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Leader-Palestar-Pale Orange she cat with white markings and a few black ones
Deputy-Stonefeather-dark gray tom with golden eyes
Apprentice, Petalpaw
Medicine Cat
Dewnose-gray Tom with a white muzzle and stripe going up to his forehead he also has a white belly,paws, and tail tip and green eyes
Silentflame-pale ginger she cat with green eyes
Eaglewhisker-dark brown tabby with white markings
Beetleclaw-black and white Tom with a scarred back
Rooktail-black tom
Apprentice, Talonpaw
Flintfang-gray and white Tom with a torn ear and blue eyes
Apprentice, Thunderpaw
Adderleap-reddish brown Tom with thin fur
Apprentice, Sandpaw
Coal-dark gray Tom with black flecks(formerly a rouge)
Thunderpaw-young ginger and white tabby Tom with bright green eyes and huge paws
Sandpaw-light Sandy colored she cat with greenish yellow eyes
Talonpaw-brown tabby Tom with greenish yellow eyes
Petalpaw-tortoiseshell and white she cat with blue eyes
Firefrost- sleek furred ginger she cat with green eyes mother to Beetleclaw's kits: Stormkit(fluffy black and and white tom kit) and Riverkit(fluffy blue gray tabby she-kit)
Frostfeather- sleek soft furred light gray she cat with blue eyes mother to Adderleaps kits: Leafkit(brown and white tabby she kit), Oakkit(thick soft furred reddish brown tom kit), and Sagekit(golden-brown tom kit)
Ravenwing-sleek furred black she cat with green eyes and a small white spot on her chest expecting Flintfang's kits
Wrenfeather-light brown she cat with yellow eyes mother to Coal's kits: Swampkit(murky brown tom-kit), Rosekit(tortishell and white she kit), Rainkit(light brown she kit with a dark brown mask on her face,dark brown legs, tail and ears with blue eyes) and Sootkit(gray Tom with black legs and a black tail)
Shinewhisker- pale elderly she cat who had lost her sight
Needleclaw-dark gray and white old Tom with matted fur is deaf in one ear
Leader-Lionstar-golden Tom with thick fur and neck fur like a lions mane
Deputy-Duskshade-dark ginger tom with blue eyes
Medicine cat-Frecklepelt-pale speckled she cat
Waspwhisker-pale brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Beetlepaw(black Tom)
Boulderclaw-gray tom
Apprentice,Snakepaw(light gray tom)
Silverfeather- silver tabby she cat with a fluffy tail
Apprentice, Doepaw(light brown she cat with white spots)
Eaglefrost - dark brown tabby Tom with a white chest underbelly paws and muzzle
Apprentice, Lightpaw(light golden tabby she cat)
Moonfeather- blue gray she cat
Breezetail-black Tom with blue eyes
Hawknose- brown and white tom
Heatherflight-light brown she cat with pale blue eyes
Frostflight- beautiful white queen with soft fur and blue eyes mother to Waspwhisker's kits: Seedkit(golden brown she-kit with amber eyes), Rabbitkit(gray and white tom kit), and Leapkit(brown tabby tom kit)
Reedtail-brown she cat expecting Boulderclaw's kits
Shadenose- old dark tom with matted fur
Leader-Foxstar- reddish brown tom with a pelt like a fox
Deputy-Swamptail-grayish brown tom
Medicine cat- Applefur-reddish brown tom
Stagleap-brown tom
Apprentice,Ravenpaw(black tom)
Firefur- dark ginger tom
Rookfeather- black tom with white paws and a white mask on his face
Lightwhisker- light colored she cat
Fernpelt-gray speckled she cat with green eyes
Rosewhisker-tortishell and white she cat expecting Swamptail's kits
Shineflower-beautiful golden she cat with blue eyes mother to Foxstar's kits: Rushkit(brown tom-kit), Pinekit(reddish brown tom-kit with a lighter belly and tail tip), and Deerkit(brown she kit)
Breezesong- sleek black she cat with blue eyes mother to Stagleap's kits: Cherrykit (reddish she-kit),Lionkit(golden brown Tom-kit), Lakekit (tan colored tom kit with blue eyes)
Swiftfeather- golden she cat with a spotted pelt mother to: Creekkit(black tom kit), Blackkit(gray tom kit with a black tail and black ears, Owlkit(brown tom-kit) and Larkkit(brown tabby she-kit)
Leader-Spottedstar-sleek furred dappled she cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Wrenpaw(brown she cat)
Deputy-Mistfeather-blue gray she cat
Medicine cat-Lilyheart-silver and white tabby she cat with blue eyes
Poppyleaf-tortishell she cat
Applefur-brown Tom
Willowtail-gray she cat
Apprentice, Petalpaw(calico she cat)
Ripplewing-blue gray tabby tom
Apprentice, Whitepaw(white tom)
Stormclaw- dark gray tom with black paws
Heronwing- gray and white tom
Queens and kits
Streamtail-silver she cat mother to heronwings kits: Troutkit(gray tom kit) and Cloudkit(white she-kit)
Frostkit-light gray she kit
Beekit- striped tom kit
Dovekit- gray she kit
Icekit- white Tom kit
Toadkit-fluffy dark gray tom kit
Reedkit- brown she kit
Leader-Snowstar-pure white she cat with green eyes and silver paws
Deputy-Sunscorch-golden tom
Apprentice, Crowpaw(black tom)
Medicine Cat-Lightwing-light golden she cat
Ravenheart- sleek black she cat with a white chest underbelly paws and muzzle
Branchheart-brown she cat
Apprentice, Littlepaw(tiny brown she cat)
Eaglefeather-brown and white Tom
Rainwhisker-blue-gray she cat
Finchstep-brown tom
Flightfoot-gray and white she cat
Mud-dark brown tom
Apprentice, Redpaw(reddish brown tom)
Rockclaw-dark gray tom
Tinycloud-light brown she cat
Daisytail- cream colored she cat
Midnightheart- sleek furred black queen(expecting Sunscorch's kits)

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