Chapter 7(Sagepaw)

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Sagepaw slid down the slope after his brother "Oakpaw get out of WindClan territory you're breaking the warrior code!" He yelled. Oakpaw didn't respond and inched closer to a golden-brown she cat. He listened to them and heard them being super friendly. Sagepaw blinked his eyes open and saw his brother still curled up in his nest. Sagepaw gave a sigh of relief and fell back asleep.

Sagepaw felt himself being shaken awake and looked up seeing his mentor he yawned stretching and padded out the den Oakpaw on his heels "I hope we don't meet any other clans on patrol" Sagepaw whispered to his brother. Oakpaw smirked "scared you're gonna have to fight?" He mewed flexing his claws "none of the other clans are even up yet so I bet we ain't gonna meet anyone but there are mice near a creek by the old oak" he muttered following Beetleclaw. Beetleclaw leads them and sits by the old oak "I'd like to see y'all's hunting skills don't worry it's not a test but try your hardest" the black tom mewed as he climbs up into the oak. Sagepaw crouched down smelling a couple mice he leapt at them and killed it in a swift leap thank StarClan Adderleap taught me how to hunt Thunderpaw to he thought as he saw his brother come back with a shrew and crow.

"Good job you two" Beetleclaw mewed leaping down "Oakpaw you're good at tracking but a bit sloppy at stalking but Sagepaw made a neat kill and stalked excellently your father must've taught you when you were young" the black Tom mews flicking his tail. Eaglewhisker leaps out a pine tree "Great job Sagepaw" his mentor mews. "I believe you two earned a spot at the gathering tonight" Eaglewhisker purred twitching his whiskers in amusement at Oakpaw's muddy fur. "I remember when you're father was an apprentice Oakpaw you're going to be just like him he's a noble warrior too." The brown and white Tom mewed taking the cats back to camp.

Sagepaw cleaned his pelt and walked over to Frostfeather, his mother who was cleaning Leafpaw's muddy fur despite her yowls of protest. "MOM! I'M AN APPRENTICE NOW I CAN CLEAN MYSELF!" She hissed grumbling. "You can't see though dear and you're fur has a bunch of herbs all over it" Frostfeather mews softly. Sagepaw saw Leafpaw cleaning her pelt with her tongue "that good!?" She hissed fur bristling. Frostfeather sighs "yes it's fine" as Leafpaw walks back over to Dewnose.
Sagepaw walks over to his mentor, Eaglewhisker and sits down licking his paw. Eaglewhisker rubs his tail along Sagepaw's back "Behave at the gathering tonight or you'll be on tick duty for a half moon" he mewed to the young tom as Thunderpaw began talking with Leafpaw.
Sagepaw goes to the nursery where Rainkit Rosekit and Swampkit were playing and gives them a mouse as Rosekit and Rainkit hop on Sagepaw grinning. "Hey Sagepaw! Are you staying with us and playing while the clan's at the gathering!" Rosekit mewed cheerfully. Rainkit tackled Rosekit "Course he isn't mouse-brain! Did you not here Eaglewhisker telling him to behave at the gathering!" Rainkit mews batting at her sisters face. Sagepaw twitches his whiskers with amusement "Sorry I can't play with y'all tonight but here's a vole" he mewed padding off.

Sagepaw nosed his sister across the log to the gathering island "I can handle it" she snapped hissing. I'm your brother sorry if I'm concerned he thought as Leafpaw made it across "Sorry for snapping" she mewed padding over to her mentor. Sagepaw walked alongside his mentor as Eaglewhisker looked down at Sagepaw "The clans are tense right now after the battle eight moons ago so many are being strange but the new apprentices of other clans should be fine to talk to" he mewed flicking his tail going toward a group of senior warriors from other clans. Sagepaw saw his brother chatting with some apprentices from the other clans and Sagepaw walked over "StarClan! Hah they don't exist so I clawed that Mange-Pelt's throat out" Sagepaw saw a young gray tom with black stripes mew. Doubt it Sagepaw thought rolling his eyes. "I'm Beepaw by the way and this is my sister Dovepaw" the apprentice; Beepaw mewed to the group of apprentices. As Sagepaw slipped in next to his brother. He saw Dovepaw or who he thought was Dovepaw's green eyes staring at him. He saw Beepaw nosing Dovepaw into the circle."We helped fight WindClan off our territory" she mewed confidently. Sagepaw was attracted to the young she cat but hissed at himself you can't like her she's RiverClan it's against the code. Oakpaw looks at Sagepaw "Hey Sagepaw!" He mewed "this is Beepaw, Dovepaw, Leappaw, Rabbitpaw, Cherrypaw, Lionpaw, and Redpaw" Oakpaw mews to his brother pointing to the apprentices. "Oh and Seedpaw" he mews. Sagepaw recognized Seedpaw from somewhere but didn't know where. "H-Hello" Sagepaw stuttered. "That's my brother Sagepaw." Oakpaw mews walking off to sit down as the leaders were about to start speaking Sagepaw saw Seedpaw sit with Oakpaw. Why can't Leafpaw be over here with us he thought sitting by Dovepaw.

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