🐧 Hurting Them 🐧

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➡ Burning him with the hair straightener.

"Finn make sure you stay super still."

"I will."

*half way finished*

"See it isn't that bad."

"Only because you keep kissing me babe."

"Finn, I know you like me playing with your hair-"


"OH MY FUVKING GAWDDD Y/N YOU BURNT ME!" Finn screams jumping off of the bed, clutching the back of his head.

Your eyes widen.

"Baby I'm so sorry- Jack what the hell?" You yell reaching out for Finn.

"I-i I just caught everything on my livestream!" Jack called in the doorway.

"Finn are you okay baby?" You ask, eyebrows crinkled.

He ignores you.



"Come here." You pat the bed, gesturing him over.

He continues to ignore your requests, touching the back of his head.

"Finn, stop." You give him puppy dog eyes.

"Let me see."

Finn gives up and sits down on the bed in front of you.
You inspect his head, a red mark left from the straightening iron.

"Finn, I don't want you to freak out but-"

"What happened?"




➡ throwing the wii controller at him in the middle of your rage.

"This is not fucking fair!"

"Babe calm down, we can play again?" Wyatt tries hushing you as you spaz out over the game of golf.

"No, Wyatt you always win! You- you cheat!"

"Y/N I didn't cheat."

"Yes you did!"

"I did not- OWWWW!"

"Oh shit! I didn't mean to actually release the controller babe."

You rush over to him to see if he is hurt too bad, you did just launch a Wii remote at his head, full speed.


"You want ice?"

He nods, collapsing onto the couch.

You run to the kitchen and grab ice for his head. When you get back to the lounge room, Wyatt is on his phone.

"I'm so sorry snowman." You claim placing the icepack on his head gently.

"I googled cheating for Carnival Mini Golf, you can't cheat!"

"Really? You're worried about the game?"

"Well duh, you said I cheated an then threw a controller at me."

You kiss his forehead softly.

"Sorry baby."

"Just cuddle me you goofball."

"Yes sir, Olaf sir."


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