4. Errand Girl

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"Hey," Kayla smiled at the Pathology technician, leaning her elbows on the counter.

"Can I help you?" He asked in a monotone voice, not looking up from his magazine.

"Yeah! I was actually wondering if that CBC with diff that I ordered is back yet?"

The man looked up at her with a disgruntled look on his face, recognizing her from when she had stopped by hours earlier.

"You just placed that 2 hours ago. You're going to have to wait. Come back in a few hours," the man dismissed her, looking back down at his magazine.

"Well you see, uh..." Kayla glanced at his badge, "Kieran... that's just not going to work for me."

He looked up again from his magazine with a scowl. He opened his mouth, about to fire back but Kayla cut him off:

"It's just that Dr. Holland said these labs were urgent and... I don't think he'd be too happy to hear the results aren't back yet," she said in the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Oh these are Dr. Holland's patients? I didn't realize... Just give me a minute," he stood up abruptly, walking to the back of the room to grab the patient samples.

Kayla felt bad lying but she needed to get back to Dr. Garcia with the lab results before 11:30 - she was already on her bad side - and she knew if there was anyone's name that could move mountains at this hospital it was Jack's. She tapped her foot anxiously, checking her watch repeatedly. She'd been running around all morning getting Dr. Garcia coffee, drawing blood and and getting urine samples from Dr. Garcia's patients that needed labs run, taking one of Dr. Garcia's patients to radiology for a head CT and another for an MRI. She was painfully aware of the fact that Dr. Garcia had given her a near impossible task - getting everything done in such a short time frame was definitely beyond realm of capability for an intern, especially on her first day.

After a few minutes, it couldn't have been more than 10, Kieran was back with papers in his hands.

"Okay so here we have MT, JL and here is SH," he said, handing her 3 patients' lab workups as he said their initials. "Give me a few minutes and I'll have these updated in their charts."

"Thank you so much!"

"Send Dr. Holland my apologies for the wait."

"Uh yeah, of course."

Kayla checked her watch again. 10:55 am. She let out a sigh of relief as she pushed the elevator button. At this rate she would be able to get the labs to Dr. Garcia with time to spare.

She found Dr. Garcia pointing at a chest X-ray, surrounded by the eager interns.

"Dr. Garcia?" Kayla said, entering the circle.

"What?" the brown-skinned woman said, turning to face her.

"Your lab results," Kayla said handing them to her.

Dr. Garcia looked surprised. "How did you..." she trailed off.

"They should be in the charts soon. And I finished everything else you wanted done so unless there's anything else I can head down to the ED and see if they need any help down there."

Dr. Garcia was quiet, her mouth still open slightly in disbelief.

"Okay then I'll just..." Kayla said, turning to go.

Kavari M.D. | Book Two (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now