20. Promise

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"Does it look like I've been crying?" Cynthia asked, using a paper towel to dry the water she'd just splashed on her face. She and Kayla were in the bathroom, trying to quickly clean themselves up before returning to work.

"No, you're good. You sure you want to go back to work though? You could say you don't feel well and take the rest of the day off," Kayla suggested.

"I shouldn't... I'm already on Dr. Garcia's bad side," Cynthia said, straightening up. "I'm okay, really."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"Kayla. Please stop worrying about me. I'm okay," Cynthia assured her, opening the door. "You coming?"

Kayla nodded, following her out of the bathroom. The two had barely walked a few feet out of the bathroom before they heard a voice calling out from behind them.

"Kwan!" Dr. Garcia shrieked, impatiently.

"Shit...." Cynthia cursed under her breath.

"Kwan! Where have you been?" Dr. Garcia demanded, arms folded across her chest. Her eyes narrowed in Cynthia's direction.

"I-I was-"

"I asked her to help me with a patient," Kayla said, covering for Cynthia who was struggling to find an explanation.

Dr. Garcia's focus shifted to Kayla, looking her up and down.

"Help you with your patient?" she asked.

"Yeah I forgot how to debride a wound and I asked her for help," Kayla lied, saying the first thing that came to mind.

"You... forgot how to... debride a wound?" Garcia blinked at her skeptically, looking back and forth between Cynthia and Kayla.

"Yes," Kayla said. Cynthia nodded.

Dr. Garcia clicked her tongue, shaking her head in disappointment.

"See what happens when you take vacations instead of being at the hospital where you're supposed to be... You will spend the rest of the day in skills lab since you clearly need to go back and learn the basics."

"But-" Kayla and Cynthia protested in unison.

"Now!" Garcia barked.

Kayla and Cynthia shared a look. "I'm sorry," Cynthia mouthed. Kayla nodded. As much as she didn't want to be stuck in the pit for the rest of the day, she wasn't about to out Cynthia's secret before she was ready to herself.

Kayla spent the rest of the day in skills lab practicing her running whip stitch. When 5 pm rolled around she went back to the PICU to look for Jack, hoping he was out of surgery and that they could go home so she could properly thank him for the birthday gifts.

Instead of finding the dark haired man, she ran into a tall dark-skinned woman wearing a pink polka dot scrub cap to match her light pink scrubs.

"Dr. Fields, hi!" Kayla said, greeting the woman.

"Dr. Kavari," Lydiana smiled.

"How are you?"

"Well my shift ends in 10 minutes so you tell me," she joked. "How's married life treating you?"

Kayla laughed, "I wouldn't know. But I'm sure it will be great."

Kavari M.D. | Book Two (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now