~ Chapter 2: Forcefield ~

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Sorry this took so longgg!! Currently having EXAMSS AAAA


The twins bent over, their palms touching their sweaty kneecaps. The sense of fatigue overwhelmed their bodies as they breathed heavily, struggling to catch their breath. They’ve been running for 3 hours straight, trying to widen the distance between them and Mother Adeline. They were drowning in sweat as their clothes were dripping with perspiration from the strenuous workout, sticking onto their bodies. It was the most tiring thing they had done, even more tiring than when they had played tag with the forest elves for the entire day. Their bones felt brittle and were on the verge of shattering into pieces.

They trudged about, barely speaking to one another and no other sounds came out of their mouth apart from the gasping for air. They wandered about for a few minutes, in search for a good spot for them to rest in.

“Ah, this is perfect!” Kae exhaled as she weakly pointed to a corner conveniently formed by the large roots of a humongous tree that was jutting out from the uneven ground. The twins collapsed onto the ground, too exhausted to think about how uncomfortable the rough leaves and twigs on the ground felt on their bottoms. They leant their heavy heads onto the strong roots of the tree and welcomed the growing feeling of numbness that was swallowing their entire physicality. By then, the morning sun was already faintly shining it’s warm rays onto the calm surface of the rainforest - dawn was upon them. While the rest of the beings around them began to awaken, the girls felt their eyelids getting increasingly heavier as time went by, yet spent no effort trying to keep themselves awake. By the time the sun had fully conquered the sky, the two fatigued teens were already fast asleep.


The brutal heat from the afternoon sun scorched the sleepy faces of the twins. Kaelia opened her eyes reluctantly, her pupils contracting from the brightness of the glowing sun. She stretched her limbs, feeling energised from the refreshing nap they had. She tossed and turned over to her sister who was still in a waist-deep slumber. Feeling cheeky, she decided to poke Taelia in the nose gently.

“Hey wake up, sleepy-head.” She whispered, smiling as she watched her peaceful sister, still in dreamland. However, the only response she had received from the blue-haired twin, was a swat in the face, and a few incoherent words.

“Tae!” She hissed, a little louder, now realising that they were still in the forest, even though they were far away from their homes. Who knows how long they have slept? Mother Adeline may be just right round the corner! She shook Taelia’s shoulder vigorously.

No response.

Kaelia gave a pout, as she thought of ways to wake her sister up. Then, she smirked.

“TAE! HELP ME! MOTHER ADELINE IS HERE AND IS GOING TO KIDNAP ME! MY POOR SOUL! Aaaaah…” Kaelia started shouting dramatically, before falling to the ground in fits of laughter. However, in a twisted way, her plan worked. The blue haired twin immediately jumped up, her hair messy and tangled, her eyes flashing wildly as she looked all over in search of the evil golden myth and her endangered twin. Her eyes landed on the ground, at her sister who was apparently so ‘hurt’ that she was rolling on the ground, laughing-crying.

“Kae! Ah-You scared me! I thought that Mother Adeline was here… ahh…” Taelia whimpered, clutching her chest to stop her racing heart. Seeing her expression, Kaelia immediately regretted her actions.

“I’m sorry…” She said, hugging her sister tightly, before pulling back. “But you wouldn’t wake up, no matter how many times I called you!”

Taelia smiled sheepishly. They gathered their stuff and began moving again, hiking their way through the curious forest. Never had they ever been this deep into the forest before.

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