Chapter 7

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The response to the last chapter was overwhelming! I can't really get it into my head how much you all seemed to love it! Thank you SO much for your views, votes and sharing your favourite scenes and lines. 

I really hope I made you shed a tear or two. Lol. And without any further ado...

PS. Do leave your inline comments here too!!! I love reading those more than anything! 

Enjoy! xo


"I wanted to apologize to you but I didn't know how you would react so I waited for you to come back after your first year at Oxford because what I did was so wrong on so many levels and you deserved an apology with me standing in front of you. But you didn't come. Year after year after year, I waited but you never came. I tried to send you a friend request but I was scared that you just wouldn't feel the same anymore so I did something else. I wrote you letters, so many of them, and birthday cards that I never mailed because I chickened out. I have 10 years worth of memories stored in a box for you so that when the time came I could give to you but then something happened one after the other and I couldn't do that too. And now here we are, standing on the terrace confessing what I should have ages ago, had I just had enough strength." I finish with a sad smile.

I look up to see his face one last time to find absolute devastation. I need to hug him rises once again but I stop myself because this is not what either of us needs. We need to feel the pain of our doings, me more than him, to get over it and maybe, just maybe we would find each other once again at the end of the tunnel.

He takes a small step away from the cot. Another step. One other. Until he spins around and walks down the terrace and out of the house. I see him in the driveway, walking to his car. He looks up once and finds me looking at him before he sits in the car and drives away from Tiwari Killa. 


I am back in my room; bone tired of everything that has happened today, I am exhausted physically and mentally. The window is open and I can feel a slight breeze make its way in the room, making the wind chimes chime a sweet soft sound. I move to my cupboard and take out my night suit to change into.


Unfolding the blanket and covering myself with it, I feel my body slowly giving out as my eyes droop with exhaustion.


You know when you're having a nightmare that someone is chasing you and you are running away, yet your legs don't seem to move they just feel like they are stuck to the floor? You're screaming at yourself to run faster and faster and it's no use because your legs won't work, your feet won't co-operate and just as the enemy grabs you from behind you wake up in a cold sweat? Well this exactly how I am feeling right now - except I don't wake up... Not until it's too late.

I am sleeping peacefully but subconsciously I know something is not right. I feel my blanket sliding down my body, the window is still open and the cool breeze is wafting in the room and goosebumps break out all over my skin. I am moving my hand around to feel for the blanket when suddenly hands are grabbing me. I don't know if it's just one person or multiple but I startle awake and I start kicking my legs in an effort to shirk them off me. I can't breathe anymore. I can feel the tears streaming down my face and I am opening my mouth to scream when a hand covers my mouth and pins me to the bed. My head starts spinning because of the lack of oxygen and slowly I fade away into nothingness...

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