Chapter 5

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Sasha's POV

I sit here waiting for two hours for someone to come tell me what's wrong. It's been two hours, and they still aren't done. They took him back and prepped him for surgery. I stayed with him for as long as I could. I gave him a million kisses, and I hugged him so much I thought I would break him.

The clock ticked on. Second after second, minute after minute. It drove me crazy! How could nobody come and tell me how he was doing? I tried everything to keep myself busy, I played games on my phone, scrolled through my social media, looking at clothes online. Nothing helped. All of my classmates asked about him, but I couldn't tell them anything yet. I didn't even know how he was doing. I looked up at the clock, a half hour went by. What was taking them so long?

I sat in the chair for so long, I almost fell asleep. I was right at the edge of consciousness when I heard someone's voice.

"Sasha, Sasha?"

I jumped up, and it was Lance's doctor. I stood up and asked him a million questions at once.

"Where's Lance? Is he okay? How was the surgery? How is he? When can I see him?"

The doctor laughed and motioned me to sit. I sat beside him in the chairs.

"Lance is doing fine, he's in recovery. It might be a while until he wakes up. He just came out of surgery. He came out with flying colors. He's doing great."

That brought so much worry off my chest. I thanked him and hugged him. I sat down and let the tears I'd been holding back fall. He's okay, he's okay. I pulled up my social media and posted on my timeline:

Lance is doing okay. Just came out of surgery. In recovery, I'll keep you updated.

I sat and waited to hear more. After another hour they put him in his room. I sat beside him and held his hand. He was just laying there. He looked even more broken. They shaved his head, and now he has a scar around the side of his head. It comes from his forehead all the way around to his earlobe. It's shaped like a c.

I held his hand and kissed it. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to sit and sing and talk with him like we always do. I know he's okay now, but I still worry. I love him, and nothing on this earth will ever change that. I sat beside him, and after another hour, I fell asleep.

*Sasha's Dream*

I was standing in a flowy white dress. I was in the middle of a field, with my hair blowing in the wind. I walked barefoot in the field, with the grass tickling them. I was singing. I was waiting for someone to come to find me, but I wasn't sure who.


A voice called out. I looked behind me, and there he was. He was standing there in a white buttoned shirt and black pants. Lance, was so handsome. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. We kissed as it began to rain. He spun me around and we kissed again.

I looked into his eyes, but there was something wrong. He was still in pain. He started crying, and he fell to his knees. I held him close. He looked up at me, and his words were like a knife in my chest.

"I'm not the same man I used to be."

Then I woke up.

*after dream*

I woke up and Lance was still asleep. I decided to take a walk to the restroom. I walked in and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so worn out. I haven't gotten much sleep, and what sleep I do get, I have dreams. Sometimes horrible dreams. I wiped my face with a paper towel. I took a deep breath and made my way back into the room.

When I got there Lance was sitting up in the bed. He looked at me with a blank stare. I walked over to him and hugged him. I sat down in the chair and held his hand. He looked at me so confused.

"Lance, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts."

That's all he said. He was looking around like he had no idea where he was at.

"You're in the hospital."

He looked at me again, with the same expression. I didn't know what to do, so I hit the call button. The nurse came in and checked his vitals. She said she would call the doctor as soon as possible. After about five minutes of silence between us, the doctor had come in. He also checked his vitals. He shined the flashlight in his eyes, and when he was done he said everything was fine.

"Lance, can you tell me where you are?"

"I'm in a hospital."


"I do have a question though."

"Yes, Lance, what is it?"

"Who's Lance?"

Oh boy! Sorry, this chapter is a bit shorter. I didn't know what else to write. Sorry guys. I know you were all wondering how the surgery would go. It went well, only one thing. He's lost his memory. What's gonna happen to Lance and Sasha now? Cliffhanger...

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