Chapter 4

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Lance's POV

I woke up to the sounds of beeping. A heart monitor. I was in the hospital. I hate being here, it scares me. I only think of death when I'm here. I looked around and there she was asleep in the chair, leaning on my bed. Her long blond hair almost completely covered her face. She was beautiful and peaceful sitting there. In a way, she looked uncomfortable as well. I wondered if she was.

I found my call button and pressed it. The nurse walked in with a smile on her face. She was about to say something but I stopped her. I put my finger over my lips and nodded over to Sasha. She nodded in understanding. She leaned close to me and said she'd get the doctor for me. I asked her for a glass of water, and she said she'd get it for me.

As she left, I heard Sasha. She was having a dream. She was whimpering. I tried to wake her, I didn't know what else to do. She got louder and louder until she was screaming. I shook her until she woke up. She was crying, I made her focus on me and she jumped into my arms.

I scooted over so she could get in the bed with me. She shook viciously in my arms. I wondered what she had dreamed about.

"Are you okay, Sasha?"

"Yes, I'm fine now. I'm glad you're awake."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. I want to know what she was dreaming about, but I don't want to push her. I smiled back, and gently kissed her soft lips. She pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

The nurse came in with my water and an extra one for Sasha. I thanked her, and she told me the doctor would be in soon. I sat with Sasha close. She told me what happened. I remember all too well. I was terrified of what the doctor would say.

Sasha tried to help me stay calm. I'm so glad she was here for me. She said she stayed by my side the whole time. I was out for two days. She called the school, and they agreed she could stay with me, as long as we both kept our school works up. She agreed to come every day, and get our work done.

She was telling me about our assignments when the doctor came in. He washed his hands and sat down in the chair. The clipboard in his hands was holding the paperwork for my diagnosis. He was most likely going to tell me the worst-case scenario. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Lance, we took some more tests while you were sleeping. I'm afraid the outcome isn't good."

A lump grew in my throat. My heart beat so fast, I could hear it through my chest. Sasha held my hand so tight. I squeezed hers too, I hope not too hard. She had tears in her eyes, and all I wanted to do was to hold her.

"Lance, the tumor had grown. It's growing at an accelerating rate. If it grows any more, I'm afraid we can't do the surgery. I need to know what you want to do about this and fast. If we wait any longer, it may be too late."

I looked at Sasha. She was holding it back as much as she could. I had to do this. I had to do this for her. I couldn't let myself die. I had to do this for her, and us.

"Okay, I'll do it."

The doctor stood up and said he'd get everything ready. He said they'll do the surgery first thing in the morning. I'm so nervous I don't know what to do. When he left, I looked over at Sasha and the tears started flowing. I held her close and soothed her singing our song.

She sang along with me, and it was a beautiful harmony. I could sit and sing with her forever. I love her. I love her with all my heart. I would do anything for her. After we finished singing, she looked up at me with those sad eyes of hers. She was hurting, and even worse. She was hurting because of me.

"I'm so glad that you're awake."
Her voice brought peace to me. It filled my soul and put my heart at ease.

"I'm glad I'm awake too. I woke up before you did." I gave her a wink, and she blushed. She looked up at me, and she knew I had something on my mind.

"What's wrong Lance?"

"What were you dreaming about Sasha?"

She looked away. The pain in her eyes returned. I knew it was bad. She wasn't having a dream, she was having a nightmare. I turned her to face me and placed a kiss on her lips.

"If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to."

She had tears in her eyes, and she buried her face into my chest. She held me tight as she wept. She was so broken. I'm bringing pain to her. I'm bringing pain to the one I love, and I don't know how to stop it.

"I had a nightmare about you. You, y.. you..." she couldn't get all the words out.

"I what? You can tell me, Sasha, what happened?"

"You died... "

She looked me in the eyes. I could see so much pain and fear. Most of all, I could see love. All of the love she had for me was reflected in her eyes. I pulled her in close. I held her tight so she would know everything was alright.

"I'm not going to die Sasha. I'm alright. Tomorrow I'm getting the surgery, I'll be in and out in no time. I'll be back here soon to sing more songs with you." She laughed. Her smile was so intoxicating. I gave her one of my famous winks, and she kissed me again.

The rest of the day consisted of kissing, singing, and talking. We had a great time. Sasha went out and brought back lunch, so we had a dinner date. She stayed by my side all day. We worked on our assignments, and we completed them.

That night Sasha lay beside me in the bed. Her head was on my chest, and I had my arms wrapped around her. I stayed up listening to her breath. She was so peaceful. I can't believe she's staying with me through everything. I was so nervous about tomorrow. I tried to sleep, but it was so hard. What was going to happen to me? I don't know if I'll have brain damage or not. I don't know if I'll live or die. I don't know if I'll leave Sasha...

Hey guys! Sorry for such a late update. It's been hard for me to keep writing this. I was thinking about giving up on it, but I decided to keep it going. Sorry
I hope you all enjoy the update.

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