Chapter 7

16 1 3

Ana's POV

"A-And yea...that's kind of why my family sucks.." I trail off , looking down for a minute

"T-that's horribl-le..." Middy says in utter pity , I look up to meet my eyes with her now sorrow filled ones

"When you've been living with it for seventeen years you get used to it " i say with a sad chuckle , rubbing the back of my neck, still feeling those eyes of Middy's on me

"Middy you don't have to feel so bad for m-" before I could I could even finish my sentence, Middy wrapped her arms around me , her head on my shoulder as she tightens her grip

"M-Middy what are you doing...?" I asked , confused at what she was doing

"I'm g-giving you a-a hug sound confused... as if you've n-never had one?" Middy pulls away , the tips of her fingers only visible thanks to her over sized jumper

"I haven' that a bad thing?" I asked

"Well-l no-ot m- majorly...but it's a sweet thi-ing people d-do when they want to comfor-rt others or something-g " Middy explains, shuffling a little closer

"Can....can we hug again ?" I asked,  hesitantly extending my arms out to her , not really knowing what to do after that

She seemed to pick up the situation and wrapped her arms around me , I slowly mimic her actions, laying my head on her shoulder as she rested hers on mine

For some odd reason..this felt ...right, like we were two jigsaw pieces that fitted together perfectly was kind kinda lovely actually

"This....this is actually really nice " I admitted

"Hugs are said to work absolute wonders" Middy says , smiling a bit more

"Plus you just seem the perfect height for this kind of stuff " I say , feeling her face heat up ever so slightly

"T-thanks ...I -I appreci-iate that" she stutters out , pulling away from the hug

"Now..about-t tha-at sit-tuation of y-yours-s" Middy's face seemed to quickly change as she was deep in thought, thinking whatever she was thinking .....until suddenly...

Her face lit up like a fire on a match , her eyes widening to the size of the moon and her smile wider than I've ever seen anyone smile....which isn't much to be honest

"You coul-ld live in H-Heaven! " she exclaims , covering her mouth as she realised how loud she was

"But where would I go.....I highly doubt that Angels gave anywhere for us Demons to stay in .." I say in doubt , looking towards her

"Well n-no , but I k-know-w a place y-you can s-stay.. I-if your willing t-roof course " she added the last part frantically, looking back at me

"Sure, I'll see this place if yours " I say with a smirk , holding back an aww as her face grew with adorable excitement

"Great! I-I mean Uhm..I-I'll see you t-tonight?" She stutters shyly , starting to stand

"Wow we've only just agreed to find me a place to stay yet you already wanna have me" I smirk some more when her freckled covered cheeks turn a deep pink, her voice becoming mumbles and stutters of nervousness

"I'm kidding Middy, I'll see you then" I chuckle , waving her goodbye as she flies off to her home

God she's so fucking adorable...

Wait what.

I'll love you till forever (Demon Ana x Angel Middy )Where stories live. Discover now