Meanwhile at the palace...
The king was really waiting for her loving Princess Marquise to arrive soon... and that hoping it will not take long for their journey to go beyond six months...
In the meantime....uncrowned-queen-Facoonda-Een-Gee and her daughter Frankee was enjoying the privileges in the castle , the sumptuous meals, and most of all the freedom to ran around and act like a real crowned queen-- the real Queen Win-A-Win is lying in bed - sick... and that the true Princess is out of the kingdom on journey... no one knew in the castle nor the people in the entire land where exactly she was headed.
There were several attempts of the uncrowned-queen-Facoonda-Een-Gee and her daughter Frankee tried to get inside the stock room. But they both failed of knowing what is the reason for the rest --why the stock room is very important even if it is not a royal room for the crowned Queen and crowned Princess to stay in.
But nanney Henda noticed the uncrowned queen and uncrowned Princess both make there distances whenever or wherever the gypsies are in the palace.... so she told the King what she observed and the few attempts of entering the stock room.... getting those pieces of embellishments or precious gemstones for their own personal use.
And that the gypsies told nanney Henda --that in the outskirts of the kingdom those precious gemstones were either being sold or pawned ....the clothes of Princess Marquise are taken out of the room and also has been sold outside of the castle...
Both Facoonda Een-Gee and Frankee they inspect daily if there are food supplies they can gather and again for their own personal reasons and purposes .....
Some of the ingredients and food supply in the kitchen once found out that there were excess the uncrowned queen and uncrowned princess tries to pull-out then either be sold outside the palace or send it over to their relatives and or friends ....
The king and the rest of the people in the palace were all displeased about the behaviors the uncrowned ones are manifesting at all times.
The king even had encounters with the two uncrowned ladies of being rude and had cruel intentions most of the times...
The king wanted to make sure that this battle with the two uncrowned ladies will soon be over....still wanting to know on how to get rid of them... because he believes that uncrowned queen Facoondah-Een-Gee is just a non-worthy kind of girl -- not fit to be his queen neither to be his wife at all--- that he was just lured ...and uncrowned princess hoping that truly is not his daughter...
The king really could not believe nor take the fact the uncrowned queen is insisting about the matter --that it is true - she is the queen and that Frankee is his daughter..... This is one of those issues or problems that the king and the two uncrowned ladies debate on or starts a fight each passing day....
In the meantime....
Princess Marquise and elder-Carma was already heading to the gypsy land... after a sumptuous meal was served to them by elder-OL-OL with a warm and comforting accommodation for a couple of days...
Princess Marquise was able to share her skills in sewing to the elder-ladies and also sharing the sewn clothes she bought with her during her travel to the troops of trolls...
While elder-OL-OL was able to teach elder-Carma and Princess Marquise on how to prepare the caribou and share some of the recipes in cooking the meat. Elder-OL-OL was able to educate the two about the good benefits of the Miracle berries and how to properly eat the fruit.
The Seamless Seamstress Princess
Short Storyglamb3ar3e creative world presents- All Time Favourite Short Story Children's Bedtime Stories recommended : Ages 4 and above A story of a girl who is crafty.. then skilled.. seasoned through time and has sewing wonders with a gifted tongue...