Making history

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You are nobody. You have done nothing with your life.
You lived a normal life. You made the honor roll, but that's about it. You made a couple of close friends, but none of them consider you their best friend. You are nobody. No one will ever remember you for being the greatest.
Do you remember that time that your friend was home alone, and they called you? Remember how you stayed on the phone with them until their parents got home? They do. You were the only thing keeping them from having a panic attack. Maybe they didn't even tell you they were home alone. They were scared. But they were. And you helped.
Remember that story you wrote in the fourth grade? The one that you were a little bit proud of at the time, bit have since forgotten? Well, your teacher hasn't. She still has it somewhere, and she remembers the student who wrote it. The student she knew had potential, if only they would realize.
Remember that teacher you had for gym or music or whatever. They taught you from kindergarten to grade 8. Well they remember you. In fact, you were like a child to them. You were, by far, their favorite student.
Remember that friend you had? The one you assume just befriended you out of pity, because you were sitting alone. Well, so were they. You were their only friend for the longest time. They remember you.
Remember that play you were in at the local theater, or that sports team you played on? The one where you played the smallest part? Well, that little boy or girl in the audience does. You inspired them. They found their passion, all thanks to you showing them that you don't always have to be the star to enjoy it.
Remember that girl you called beautiful one day in the school hallway? Well, she remembered. And every time she looked in the mirror and cringed, she remembered that some random kid thought she was beautiful. She's still not a model, still not toothpick thin, and that's good. Because she is happy, because if one person thought she was beautiful, someone else might, too.
So no, you're not going to be in history books. You're never going to be on tv, never going to have your song played on the radio. But you will be remembered.

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