I am not pretty

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I am not pretty.
I'm not blonde, I'm not skinny. I don't have perfect eyebrows, a perfect nose, the perfect body. I don't wear makeup and probably never will, and I'll never stop wearing the same old jeans, baggy t shirts and old converse sneakers. My hair is brown, and messy, and usually just thrown into a ponytail. My glasses cover most of my face, not glasses. I'm not tiny, and I never will be.
I am not pretty.
Maybe you're also not pretty. Maybe you just can't get your hair to look right, your makeup to not make you look like a clown. Maybe, like me, you don't wear makeup.
Maybe you're to skinny, or not skinny enough.
Maybe you're not pretty.
But, I assure you, you are beautiful.
Because true beauty doesn't come from a scale, from a mirror, from a magazine.
Beauty is about so much more.
It comes from the smile that light up your face, the laugh that's infectious. The heart of gold that can always be trusted, a mind that goes beyond the limits of what is expected.
It comes from our differences. That's what makes true beauty.
So no, you're never going to be cover-of-a-magazine, supermodel pretty.
But you are truly beautiful.

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