waving for forever.

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Mark watches as his phone vibrates along the table, moving slightly to the side each time it does. At the last vibration, he picks up the phone and answers the incoming call, bringing it to his ear. He opens his mouth to say hello but is cut off almost instantly.

"Honey, I know I was supposed to pick you up today for your appointment, but I'm stuck at work. Pam called in sick, she's got the flu, so I volunteered to take her shift. They announced budget cuts today, so yanno...I'll take any open shift if needed."

It was his mom, apologizing for never being there like usual.

"It's fine, mom. I'll just take the bus."

Kathryn sighs in relief and watches over the rushing nurses in her work area. She knew she wasn't supposed to be on the phone right now but she was trying her best to not be caught. Silence fell over the phone and Mark contemplated hanging up.

"I won't be home until later tonight..."


"Did you write one of those letters yet? 'Dear Mark Fischbach: Today's going to be a good day and here's why'."

"Yeah, mom," Mark straight up lies, "I'm in the computer lab right now, printing it out."

"Shit. I have to go. Bye."

And just like that, Kathryn hangs up in the click of a button and Mark didn't even get to say his farewell back to his mother. Mark opens his MacBook and looks back over to the lingering soul in the room, the only thing standing out was the vibrant green on the top of his head. He shook his head and began to write his letter.

Dear Mark Fischbach:

It turns out that this wasn't an amazing day, at all. This won't be an amazing week, or year because...why would it be?

Oh, I know, because there's Amy. All my hope is pinned on Amy, who I don't even know and she doesn't know me. Maybe if I could talk to her, then maybe...maybe nothing would be different at all.

I wish that everything was different. I wish that I was part of.....just, something. I wish anything I said...mattered...to anyone. I mean, let's face it, would anyone even care if I disappeared tomorrow?

Sincerely, your best and most dearest friend


Click Print.

"When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around, do you ever really crash or even make a—"

Sean walks in with a paper in his hand, looking over to Mark and chuckling to himself as the boy started to fidget.

"So, what happened to your arm?"

"Oh, I...I fell out of a tree." Mark quickly chokes out while Sean bursts into another laughing fit, yet louder this time.

"You fell out of a tree? That is the saddest fucking thing I have ever heard!"

Mark joins in with the laughter that echoed in the room, but you could hear the nervous pitch of his voice. In the midst of the laughter, Sean looks down to Mark's cast again and notices that no one has signed it yet. His heart sinks a little because he knows he would have been in the same situation if he had the cast on. Mark's laughter cuts off abruptly when he sees Sean's gaze.

"No one has signed your cast."

"Oh, I kno-"

"I'll sign it." Sean interrupts, looking around for a marker.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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