Here Danny, Have a Ghost Dog.

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It was green. Now Danny didn't know much about the world. But he knew the basics. And generally puppies weren't green, nor did they have an ethereal glow. The green fuzz ball was sleeping on a pillow Danny hadn't ever seen in the Clock Tower until now. Clockwork was nowhere to be seen and the puppy was just snoozing on the pillow minding it's own business. Danny knew it was a ghost dog. It really was the only explanation he could summon. It made him sad to think such a small little guy lost his life at such a young age. It took him a moment to notice the atmosphere change. The puppy was awake and facing a person it didn't know. And like that things got scary. The puppy grew into a growling, sobering, very pointy toothed giant hound. It stood, rigid and ready to tear Danny apart.

"Ah shiz..." Danny groaned.

Clockwork returned to a very funny scene. Well it would be funny if he hadn't already known that was going on. Did you know sometimes being an all seeing time ghost sucked the fun out things? Danny was perched up on a particularly tall grandfather clock hugging his knees as a large slobbering dog paced below, waiting for the boy to move.

"I see you made a friend." Clockwork said flatly. Danny scowled at him with all the force an absolutely terrified ghost Teen atop a grandfather clock can muster. Which wasn't much.

"Get it away!" Danny cried, making the dog growl.

"Daniel. Is that anyway to treat a new friend?" Clockwork replied.

"New friend!? Fido wants to make a meal of me!!" Danny shrieked.

"Actually his name is Cujo. And it helps to say hello." Clockwork said amused. Danny had never been given ample reason to believe Clockwork would ever hurt him. But this kind of shattered that safety net. Those teeth looked awfully sharp. Danny gazed down at the very large canine.

"Uh... Hey there, Cujo..." Danny began. At the sound of its name the dog paused in its pacing and perked it's ears. Danny guessed it recognised the name. "Good boy, Cujo." Danny tried. Then mentally cursed himself. You don't praise a dog for trying to eat you. That wasn't good at all. At least Danny didn't seem to think so. The dog, however stupid Danny felt, began to seem less threatening at the words. "Um... Let's try... Sit, Cujo, Sit." To Danny's surprise the dog sat. "Good boy." The dogs tail thumped against the floor. Danny hesitantly floated down and reached out to pet the dog.

Only to be tackled and mauled to death.

Except death didn't come, or the mauling, there was a short high pitched yap and Danny opened his eyes to see the dog was back to it's puppy form. "Congratulations Daniel. You tamed the beast." Clockwork said in a monotonous tone that Danny swore held hints of sarcasm.

"That wasn't cool Clockwork." Danny huffed.

"Last time I checked cool was your forte." Clockwork replied.

"How are you so sassy with that dead I don't care attitude?!" Danny cried throwing his hands up, which had been the only thing stopping the barrage of slobbery kisses from Cujo. Clockwork simply smirked. Danny finally managed to wrangle the pup into his arms so that he couldn't get at Danny's face, which Cujo seemed to now want to lick into oblivion rather than maul. Danny wasn't sure yet as to which was better. "Well, where does he go?"

"With you. He is yours now." Clockwork announced. Because it was totally fine to push a dog into a child's arms. One who'd never been able to keep a goldfish alive for longer than three months. Danny could see this going very smoothly. Though he could hardly kill the pup, unfortunately some jerk already had. Still Danny wouldn't say he was the most responsible person out there, which made him feel pretty responsible in admitting. What was he thinking about again? Oh yeah-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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