Before we Begin

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Now if you've read any of my other books you'll know I take forever to update. If you are willing to stick around and wait for updates id appreciate it. These probably arent any good but I try my best to write.

Sometimes my imagines have topics that my be triggering so if you have any problems with it you can skip it. (I'll make sure to put a warning at the top)

Now you might be wondering what fandom I will write about.

I'll definitely write from these fandoms:
- Lunar Chronicles
- Teen Wolf
- Supernatural
- The Originals
- Percy Jackson (PJO or HoO)
- Dan and Phil
- Eragon
- Underworld
- American Horror Story
- Aaron Doh (he's adorable)
- Any of the Live Action Disney Movies

This list may change at any given point and there is probably a few fandoms I'm in that I missed.

Thats all I have for now and I hope to write the first update around this week or next week.

Bye Kitties

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