CHAPTER 28-The Voyage to The Unknown

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You make things worse if you try to make unequal things equal.

If I succeed, there will be no inequality.

LoG, 21

Nalina was sitting on her soft, colossal bed wearing an anxious expression on her face. Her two servants in the tight beige suits were already there. They ruthlessly stuffed a variety of clothes into her large leather luggage.

"I don't like that dress very much ..." she lifted her finger to interject but it was all in vain.

There is no discussion with them. It's like I am talking to the wall. I won't achieve a thing, Nalina sighed.

Bunch of clothes from her closet somehow found the way to the suitcase, and Nalina admired their skill.

How are they transferring an entire wardrobe into one travelling bag? She wondered. Nalina could never do that. She would always throw rumpled clothes one on top of the other.

"Like on a dead horse", as mum... Mother would say.

The scene reminded Nalina of what had transpired in The Kitchens, earlier that Light. There, she had been protesting while old Magda and Miro were stuffing a bunch of dried meat, fruits and vegetables in the baskets. They had insisted that she took everything with her.

It is as if everyone conspires against me. They are forcing me to bring three to four times more food and clothing than I need, Nalina sulked. And nobody pays attention to what I want.

At first, she tried to take part in preparing of her luggage. She was interestedly running from one girl to another. Still, after a while, Nalina realised that it was a futile attempt doomed to fail.

It would be a good idea to throw in a couple of wide pants and shirts, just in case. Since they are already transporting a wardrobe into a bag that is. If Anilan decides to make an appearance, it will come in handy; she smiled inwardly at this inappropriate joke. Eh, what can you do. When something is challenging, it's best to accept it with a smile. If the situation turns out bad, I'll be sad on top of it; it would be double trouble.

Nalina reached the old wooden table and pulled out her beloved notebook. "Hi, honey! Who's my beauty? Will you also travel with me? You will, won't you?" Nalina prattled tenderly to her leather-bound treasure. She was looking forward to the days she would spend in the carriage, writing new properties of herbs on yellowish paper.

She covered her mouth, suddenly aware that the servant girls were staring at her, stunned.

Oh, why do I always forget myself like this? Well, at least I'll give them some gossip material.

Finally, the servants filled the luggage with all the things they deemed necessary. The girls withdrew, leaving Nalina alone with her thoughts.

A guard entered her bedchamber and formally announced: "Your family is waiting for you in the main hall to say goodbye to you, Your Highness."

Nalina nodded absently, twiddling her thumbs. Soon enough, she left her sleeping chamber. She followed the map of The Mushroom in her mind, trying to remember where The Castle Hall was.

Nalina really wanted to go on that trip. At the same time, it terrified her to do so.

Perhaps I should have gone sooner. Fortunately, our cities are not so far away. Only seven Lights away, I think. Mother managed to talk to Fedum over The ViewWall once again and he ... He's expecting me. He's ready to negotiate. I want to stop the war. I should offer the people of Begi our water.

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