This Wont End Well

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           Ben saw it and knew the reason why Sherwin and Jonathan had been around each other so much. Now to anyone else, these would have been no trouble at all. IN fact, some would have found it to be absolutely adorable. Some would have even squealed in delight, like Shirley. Ben however, wasn't Shirley. Ben was Homophobic. Ben was the school bully. Ben was about to go give Sherwin a piece of his mind. 

        Sherwin was sitting down enjoying the game. Jonathan was up to bat. Sherwin sat on the edge of his seat, he was so excited. Sherwin was by no means a sports fan. However when your boyfriend is captain of the baseball team, you tend to get excited for them to win. Jonathan approached home plate, bat in hand. Jonathan found Sherwin in the stands and pointed to him. Sherwin blushed, he felt special. The game was close, It was a tie for the win and both teams were on their last breath. Jonathan had gotten in his stance. The pitcher stood ready. The ball was thrown.

       "STRIKE ONE."

     Tension had started to rise in the atmosphere. Sherwin could see that Jonathan was physically drained, he was putting his all into this last play. He took his stance again, bat behind his head. The Pitcher threw the ball once more.


     Sherwin was getting anxious. He wanted Jonathan to win so bad. He hoped that he could pull something out of his sleeve. The stands had become dead silent. One more strike and Jonathan would be out. The air hung Thick with tension. Time had stopped. Jonathan had put all of his focus into this last hit. It was this or nothing. The ball was pitched.......


       The ball went flying into the Field. Everyone stared at the ball, Jonathan wasn't moving. Sherwin mustered up all the voice he had to yell at Jonathan.


     Jonathan heard his boyfriends scream. It registered in his head that he needed to run. He took off sprinting. He put all the energy he had remaining into this run. He dashed past first. As he passed second, the opposing team got their hands on the ball and threw it to third. By the time the ball had reached third base, Jonathan was halfway to third. The third baseman threw the ball to home plate. Jonathan slid for the win. A dust cloud had formed blocking anyones vision. Sherwin had leaned forward over the railing waiting to see the outcome. The dust cleared.......


   The stands erupted into a roar of cheering. Sherwin was so happy for Jonathan. He was jumping up and down in sheer excitement that his boyfriend got the winning point. What else could he expect from his perfect boyfriend. he was so happy, until Ben walked by putting an arm around Sherwin.

     "Hey runt, walk with me will you?" Sherwin couldn't do anything, He was so much smaller than Ben.  Jonathan looked into the stands to find that Sherwin was gone. A frown came to his face. Where was he? 


       Jonathan had been searching for his little red-head. He said he would be around after the game. Jonathan had walked behind the stands where the spectators were during the game. It was there he found a horrible sight. Ben had Sherwin pinned against the wall, he was punching him in the gut. Something inside Jonathan had snapped. Jonathan had ran at Ben suddenly with more energy than he had during the game. He tackled him to the ground. Jonathan was on top of Ben. Jonathan was punching Ben. He didn't stop either. One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six.....

       Sherwin had recovered and saw Jonathan beating on Ben. As much as Sherwin didn't like Ben, he had to stop Jonathan. 

     "JONATHAN STOP!!" He screamed as he had Jonathan's arm back with both of his arms. Jonathan looked at Sherwin, then back at Ben. He got up and looked Sherwin over. His lip was busted and his cheek was bruised. Jonathan would have to see later what Sherwin's body looked like. Jonathan took another look at Ben on the ground. He was clutching his face and bleeding from his nose and lip. 

       Well worth it.

     Jonathan went over to Ben grabbing him by the shirt and raising him against the wall. Ben was trapped, he was completely lifted in the air by Jonathan. Jonathan had a menacing voice as he seethed with a stone cold face.

     "Come near Sherwin again and I will kick your ass so hard you won't be able to walk! Am I clear?" Ben nodded furiously, he was petrified. Jonathan put him down and walked away with Sherwin on his arm. Sherwin watched the threat. If he was completely honest with himself, he really liked looking at Jonathan when he was protective. That voice, it made him feel something in his stomach and....somewhere lower. He didn't care that he was just beat up by Ben; He was too caught up in Jonathan's deep, gravely voice. In a He felt Jonathan's arm wrap around his waist to pull him in close. Sherwin leaned into Jonathan's shoulder as they walked away.


       The boys walked into Jonathan's room. Sherwin sat on the bed while Jonathan went to get the first aid kit.

        "This has happened too many Times. I don't think that Ben will be harassing you anymore though." Jonathan said walking back into the room. That was the first thing that was said since they left. Sherwin had caught glimpses of Jonathan's angry face. He looked up to see Jonathan sitting next to him on the bed. He looked nervous. "I um.... I need you to take your shirt off." Sherwin became red but nodded and complied with Jonathan's request. Jonathan had sharply inhaled after seeing all the bruises on Sherwin's body. Jonathan began to look to see if any bones were broken. Sherwin felt Jonathan's fingers graze his skin as he examined him. Sherwin was flustered enough as it is, Jonathan's hands were pushing him to the edge. Jonathan already knew no bones were broken, but he couldn't pull himself away from Sherwin's body. It was so lean and smooth. He had such a feminine figure, it made Jonathan feel hot. Jonathan heard his name and looked up to see that Jonathan's face was right by Sherwin's body. His hands gripping Sherwin's hips tenderly, Sherwin beet red in the face. They locked eyes, Jonathan could see Sherwin was extremely flustered. He couldn't have looked any cuter in that moment. Jonathan decided to be bold. He kissed Sherwin's chest, climbing on top of Sherwin. Sherwin was feeling so many things right now. He was nervous, Excited, Scared, and something else. But what? He figured it out Once Jonathan began to kiss his stomach.......Horny. Sherwin was paralyzed, he wanted more but he didn't. Jonathan began to kiss even lower. It was when Jonathan started to kiss his naval that Sherwin intervened. 

         "WAIT!" Jonathan stopped and looked up at the ginger. "I-I don't think I'm ready for a-anything like that." Sherwin stuttered still red in the face.  Jonathan became wide-eyed at what he was doing. Did he scare Sherwin?

       "Oh God, Im so sorry Sherwin! I did'nt mean to-"

      "N-no, I-its okay...." Sherwin put his shirt back on. The room was really quiet. The tension could be cut with a knife. Sherwin felt tired. "D-do you wanna lay down with me?" Sherwin asked, his face heating up. Jonathan nodded slowly before he lay down on his back. Sherwin had cuddled close to Jonathan, burying his face deep into Jonathan's neck. Jonathan's face became a tinge of pink witnessing his boyfriends display of affection. He smiled however and closed his eyes. Their breathing synchronized. In a word.....It was wonderful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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