Six: Suspicions

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Pippas eyes widened in amusement, clearly finding my whole situation hilarious.

"He's just annoying and wont stop following me around, like a stalker!" I moaned.

"Maybe he likes you?" Pippa asked, with a slight smirk wiped across her face.

As we walked through the door into the classroom, the teacher was already silencing the class, so me and Pippa quickly took our seats next to each other. This is one of the few lessons in the week that i actually don't dread. Art and design.

I looked around to find, to find that slouched on the seat behind me, was Brad, surrounded by his group of friends. He flashed me a cheesy grin, as I turned back around to face the front, rolling my eyes.

Second period was Maths, which meant that I had to spend a hour and a half with no one to talk to, because Pippa isn't in my Maths class.

As the teacher read out the new seating plan, I soon discovered that I was sat next to a girl called Lydia Walker. She had long brown wavy hair, with brown eyes, and red rosy cheeks. I smiled nervously as I slowly took my seat.

"Hi, i'm Lydia, nice to meet you. You must be new here, I haven't seen you before?" She asked kindly with a small smile revealing little dimples each side of her cheeks.

"Hi Lydia, i'm Ella and yeah, my family moved here over the holidays so we could live nearer my family." I smiled.

Our short conversation ended when the teacher demanded silence and gave the whole class a death glare.

The lunch bell rang loudly, as everyone got up out of their seats and began to pack away their stuff. I was about to turn around to walk out of the room, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Lydia and another other girl looking at me.

"Hey, Ella me and my friend Maddy wondered if you wanted to come and sit with us outside on the field for lunch?" Lydia asked.

"Erm, yeah sure I would love to but I promised my friend Pippa I would meet her near the lockers." I replied.

"Well we could come with you to meet Pippa and then we could all go outside?"

"Yeah sure, that sounds good!" I said, excitedly.

 Maddy was shorter with shoulder length brown hair and shining green eyes.

As we walked along the corridor, I spotted Pippa stood waiting at the lockers, next to a brown haired quite short boy. When she glanced up and spotted me, she quickly said something to the boy, who then turned his head to look at me and the quickly walked away down the corridor in the opposite direction. That was when I realised who the boy was.

"Hey Pippa, this is Lydia and Maddy,they asked if we wanted to go outside to sit on the field to eat lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah sure!" She grinned, glancing up at them.

We all instantly started talking and by the time we reached the field, I finally felt that I had found myself a nice group of friends, at this new school. Me and Lydia instantly clicked. She was really kind and caring. Maddy is that friend that everyone needs and I knew that me and her would become very close friends, as she was hilarious, but at the same time down to earth and friendly. As we sat down on the long grass, I finally asked Pippa the question that had been on my mind for the past 10 minutes.

"Pippa, what were you and Brad doing together near the lockers when us four came to meet you?" I wondered.

"Oh, erm well he was sat next to me in the last lesson, so we were just finishing off our conversation." She said, biting her lip.

I knew she wasn't telling the truth but I let it drop, I decided it would be best to interrogate her later when we were by ourselves.

When I finally arrived home after another long day at school all I wanted to do, like most teenagers, was sleep, so I quickly had a shower and got changed into some baggy gray sweatpants and a plain white tank top along with some fluffy socks.

I pulled the sheets over my body and head ready to be left alone for the night, although half way through my hibernation I felt my phone vibrate against my arm. I pressed the home button, squinting my eyes due to the bright light, to realise that I had a text from an un-known number. I opened the texting app, ready to delete it because it would just probably be some randomer who had the wrong number, although, what I saw on the screen wasn't what I had been expecting.


'Um, do I know you?' I replied, completly confused, but I didn't have to wait long for a reply because a few seconds later my phone vibrated once again.

'Well, I hope so, we decided that we would talk more, so I hope you know who I am, unless you have that memory problem again'

'I'll take it you do have that memory problem again, hm, its B x'


Minutes later I started to realize that Pippa must have given Brad my number earlier and that's what she was talking to him about. After realizing everything I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, a ring tone was blasting out of my phone. I picked it up, not bothering to check who it was, although after I heard the annoying familiar voice, I regretted my decisions immediately.

"You really need to start answering your text's quicker"



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