Nine: Questions

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I smiled at him sweetly as our foreheads rested against one another, replaying what had just happened in my mind over and over again, until I realized what had just happened and that I was stupid to make a move like that.

I muttered a quick "I have to go" and ran back inside, once again engulfed in sweaty bodies. I attempted to find Pippa but didn't have much luck due to my small height, although after a few more minutes I found her stood with a group of people I was completely unfamiliar with. I joined the small circle and gave everyone a polite smile as I slowly and discreetly dragged her away.

"What are you doing?"

"I just did something so stupid not even you would have done it" I said, trying to hold in laughter but failing miserably after she smiled until she realized that I had just insulted her.



"Soooo,what's up?"

"I just kissed Brad" I rushed.

"What?" She asked, baffled, clearly not understanding the words that had just come flying out of my mouth.

"I may or may not have just kissed Brad" I rushed again,muffling and slurring my words.

The reaction I got was not the one I had been expecting as she squealed and jumped up and down like an exited four year old, at the same time attracting some unwanted attention.

"Sshhh" I quietly yelled.

"Aaahh, I can't believe you, cutee!" 

"What?! No, not cute"

"Yes, I knew this would happen, just not so soon" 

"I wish it never happened" 

"That's not true otherwise you would have pushed him away"

"How do you know I didn't?"

"Rumors spread fast" 

She looked down, like she knew something I didn't.


"I heard like a minute ago that you had kissed, but I didn't believe it because I thought you still hated him, evidently not"  

"How many people know?" I asked, trying to keep calm.

"About 10" She answered and I sighed in relief.

"Plus 10" 

"Times 5" 

After a brief silence she spoke up again, but thankfully changing the topic.

"You want a drink?" 

"No thanks, think i've had enough and I don't like it that much anyway" 

"Then why have you been drinking all night?" She asks.

"Brad" I reply simply. No matter how close I got to anyone, I would never tell them why I hated alcohol, I had been drinking it tonight but that was simply because I didn't want to give people the wrong impression, considering I was still thought of as a 'newbie' , a nickname I had grown to hate.

The rest of the night was fairly quiet and didn't see Brad re-appear after the whole kissing thing, I left soon after though so he could have gone where ever and come back after I had started walking home.

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head and I knew I had a slight hangover but I knew I had to cover it up otherwise I would be forever grounded. Once I had got ready I made my way downstairs to find all of my family in the kitchen, either stuffing their faces or just about to leave.

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