The rain

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Have you ever sat in the rain? Have you sat there till the raindrops can no longer wet your clothing or wash out your makeup? Have you felt the water drip down your back like mini waterfalls? If not, then this will be a hard story to read, for this story's feel is like sitting in the rain for hours and staring at the crying clouds while you slowly lose hope that sun will come.

The rain. My only sadness.

Coincidentally, this story starts with the rain.

It was a gloomy day, today. The rain is falling.

It's always falling.

It fell when i was born and it will fall when i die. The rain. The only constant in my life. People come and go but the rain is forever.

But the rain is good. The rain. Is. Good

As i sit on my cot facing the window, peering at the non-stop rain(the rain is good), i wonder if they are right.

I walk towards the door grabbing the indigo umbrella placed routinely next to the coat rack whispering to myself, "the rain is good, the rain is good, the rain is good", repeating until i almost believed it.

Stepping out of my apartment, i start to trudge down the street, splashing the evergrowing puddles . My hair, now damp from the downpour, is a mess. Trying not to ruin it more, I open the oddly colored umbrella. Pacing towards my eventual destination, I gaze at the identical buildings with their identical apartments and their identical rooms.

Sometimes i wonder if inside the identical buildings, with their identical apartments and identical rooms, if they hold identical people too.

The rain is pounding down harder today but no one seems to mind. They stare at their electronics mindlessly chanting "the rain is good. The rain is good"

They are the identical people, i thought.

Though, I must be somewhat identical too.

I have my identical thoughts and my identical apartment with its identical rooms with me as it's identical people.

Though i do have my umbrella and it will always be strange to those who lift their eyes off their tech for even a second. But then again, anyone who does that already must be different, too.

The rain is pounding on harder today.

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