Ch.35 All of Me

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A/N: Hooooray it's the ending! it's sad to end this story but I have to lol.. thanks for reading my works guys and for your patience! to the readers that's been reading this since I started writing this thank you!! for the comments and votes thank you as well! hugs...♥♥♥



I'm happy knowing that Salt is a real Montreal, she will now have the life that once Cassy had. She's now a major stockholder of our school and she changed a lot during the past few weeks. She's still humble, but the way she dressed and the way she acts now is more refined than before.

Her grandfather did not waste time and started training her because she will inherit all of Montreal's business in the future. Dad formally announced her as an Elite member in the whole school.

"I told your mom before to not sell her shares to Bernardo but she didn't listen! Now it's giving me headache!" Dad said angrily before throwing his planner to the floor, we're inside his office now.

"No one expected that this will happen," I simply said.

"Really? Then why do I have this feeling that you knew this day would come" he said irritably while glaring at me.

"We're not talking, we only talk when it's needed" I replied flatly.

"Till now I can't believe that she's really a Montreal, she really looked like Cassy, but a cheaper version" he said smirking.

"And that cheaper version is a major stockholder now, so stop annoying yourself dad because there's nothing we can do about it" I said irritably.

"You love that Salt huh?" He asked while looking at me intently. I sighed before speaking, I'm getting married soon so there's no point of lying to him.


"Who do you love most? Salt or Cassy?" I'm surprised by his question, it's the first time that we're having this kind of conversation.

"Does it matter?" I said while averting my eyes to my coffee.

"Of course it does, what if they're both alive? Would you still fall in love with Salt?" He's a nosy father now. Usually if someone asked me this kind of question I'd be pissed off, but it's coming from my father now and he really looked interested so I smiled while shaking my head.

"I love Cassy but it's different with Salt, she didn't lie or kept secrets from me, so I can say that I love Salt more" he seemed contented by my answer so he nodded in understanding.

"You're my favorite daughter, you inherited my shrewdness and wit, as well as the attitude" I didn't respond, I just let him speak.

"If we're in a different situation right now, like we're poor and Salt isn't, I might let you two be together" he said after releasing a heavy sigh.

"Why do we have to talk about this?" I asked while frowning.

"I just want you to understand the situation, our situation. I just want the best for all of us" he explained, but I'm not convinced.

"I understand your situation dad, that's why I'm gonna marry Henry. You don't want to have an abnormal daughter, you want grandchildren that will continue your legacy right? That's the point of all of this" I want to tell him that he's a selfish father, that he just want what's best for him, but I can't because I still respect him.

"I'm glad that you understand. I know it's hard being the eldest, but that's your duty Allison, so please don't disappoint me" I'm surprised that he said the word please because he never says that.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now