Out Of The Darkness - *Chapter 7*

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I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to evaporate. He had slapped his hand across my face, hard enough to turn the left side of my face purple. I felt pain rush through my arm, and I bit back a scream. I felt strong hands drag me away from all the pain. I felt blood fall down my face, leaving behind a cold sting

I blacked out.


Hours Later I woke up in Shaun's room, His arms around me. I felt stiff in every inch of my body and I tried to stretch, but warm hands stopped me.

"That's not a good idea." Shaun said, looking into my eyes.

His eyes were mixed with Pain, Sadness, Love, and Relief. I leaned closer and kissed him, crushing my body into his.

He laughed lightly and gently pushed me back down to the bed, then looked down at my foot. That's when I noticed what had caused me so much pain. There was a deep cut from my knee to my ankle that now had stitches.

Shaun noticed I was upset by the cut - Who wouldn't be? - And he leaned forward and kissed me, lifting me off the bed gently.

He carried me downstairs and outside into the thin mist, setting me in the nearest chair. He kissed my forehead and stared down the road, waiting for something.

Then I heard the police sirens. They stopped in front of the house, and Shaun walked forward, meeting the police halfway through the yard. I looked closer at the car and made out a dark figure in the back seat.


His angry stare shot through me, sending hate messages. One message that my mind created stayed longer than the others.

Kill Yourself.

I thought those two words over and over in my head.

Kill Yourself.

Kill Yourself.

Kill Yourself.

Hate, Pain, and Sadness boiled in my body. This wasn't the first time I have felt like this, but it was definently the strongest.

I got up from my chair and walked into the house, grabbing the lose rope sitting on the porch. I also grabbed a chair from the kitchen and took it into the spare room in Shaun's house.

I sat the chair under the fan and tied the rope to it, and pulled the other end around my neck. I stood on the chair, and looked around, still hating the last moments I would have alive.

I know I should stay. Shaun needs me. I have to stay. I can't leave him.

These thoughts ran through my head, convincing me to stay.

But with my luck, I lost my balance, and the chair fell over. and I hung there, involuntarily dying. My life faded before me, and I heard footsteps coming closer, but all the sounds and lights were fading. The last thing I saw was Shaun, cutting the rope from around my neck.

I collapsed into his arms, gasping for air, clutching the small amount of life I still had while he held me to his stomach, crying into my hair.

A few minutes later, his eyes focused on me, sadness in their eyes. Then I heard the voice I loved whisper in my ear.

"Alison.. Why?"


Author speaking!! Sorry this chapter was so short, just really busy this week. I'll update a few more chapters soon!! Xoxo

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