Out Of The Darkness - *Chapter 2*

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I let the Chocolate brown eyed boy, Shaun, walk me to the office. I risked glances over at him every now and then, It's never wrong to check out your options. I looked to the girl we passed in the hallways as well, It's never wrong to check out your competition either..

I looked at the boy guiding me to the office, He had slightly reddish brown hair, similar to mine. He wore a hoodie, jeans, and a simple pair of converse. I looked down at what I had on as well. I was wearing skinny jeans, grey converse, and a random black shirt I found in my closet. So I have to admit, I'm not the type of girl that plans her outfits out, I'm the type that will throw on whatever is clean in the last five minutes I've got.

Shaun suddenly stopped and I ran into his back. He laughed slightly, his eyes sparkling in the light.

"Here's the office," He smiled at me "Maybe we'll have a few classes together." He winked and walked back the way we came. I stared after him for a few seconds after stepping into the warm, cinnamon smelling office. The walls were a light green with a few pictures. Nothing spectacular but it was ordinarily beautiful. I walked over to the lady behind the desk.

"Hello, I'm Alison, The new girl? I just arrived today and I was told to report to the office to recieve my schedule?" I said, rambling slightly.

The lady nodded and looked through many scattered papers until she picked up a pink sheet of paper and handed it over the desk to me.

"Have a nice day, Sweetie." She said with the brightest smile I've seen in ages. I smiled back, trying to hide that my heartbeat was speeding up again.

I stepped out into the sea of people that were all rushing their way to class at last minute. I suddenly felt vulnerable, There were too many people in one place. I followed the traffic that was washing it's way down the hallway while looking at my schedule.

1st period, Language with Mrs. Taylor, Room 203.

I looked up and found myself magically at room 203. Wow, That wasn't so hard..

I walked through the door and found a young woman with curly blonde hair.

"Mrs. Taylor?"

She nodded and took the pink paper from me, Smiling at me. She seemed nice. She signed the paper and handed it back. I took a seat in the back next to the window. I stared out the window for a few minutes while the rest of the class piled into the room. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up into the chocolate brown eyes that had guieded me to the office.

"Fancy seeing you here," He laughed, lightening the tense feeling that I have been feeling since I pulled into the parking lot, and took a seat next to me. He talked to me through the entire class. Truthfully, I felt bad for practically ignoring Mrs. Taylor's lecture on the importance of capitalization. 

After the class ended, Shaun walked me out into the hallway.

"What's your next class?" His eyes asked, Questioning if he had the same class as me next. I looked at my paper and quickly replied.

"Math with Mr. James, room 227."

He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of my next class. He stopped suddenly after a few minutes of walking and looked at me with a different type of look than I've seen. He wasn't playful anymore, He had an emotion I couldn't describe.

"I want to try something.." He said cautionously, Staring into my eyes.

I stared at him as he slowly leaned forward and kissed me slow and sweet. His lips felt wonderful against mine. It ended all too soon. He carressed my cheek, and at this moment, I realized that I had forgotten to breathe. I took a deep breath and he giggled and countinued to pull me to room 227.

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