Out Of The Darkness - *Chapter 4*

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The squeak of the tires came closer and closer every second, There was fear is Shaun's eyes, and I knew there was fear in my eyes too.

Suddenly everything stopped. No sounds. No breathing.

Am I dead?

No, I can't be dead. I felt a slight breeze.

Were we falling?

I opened my eyes. I was looking up in what looked like a hospital.

Great, only I could end up in a hospital on my first day at a new school..

I heard footsteps entering into my room and I tried to look up, But I was pulled back down by the IV.

"Don't move, You might mess something up," A nurse said with a kind smile.

"Oh, Sorry." I smiled back.

She messed around with buttons on the heart monitor for a moment.

"What happened?" I asked, A look of curiosity filling into my eyes.

"You Don't Remember? Well, Shaun, the boy you were with? He pulled you out of the car. The car that was going to hit you had scared you all to pieces, Sweetie. You had completely blacked out." She said, Her voice sounding like a lullaby.

Shaun rushed through the door and ran over to me with worry in his eyes. He calmed slightly once he saw I was awake, and he smiled, then kissed me. Slow and Sweet. He hugged me after the kiss and I pulled him closer.

"Thank You." I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I Love You." He said, Pulling back to look into my eyes. "I Love You So Much."

I smiled, tears then fell and slid down my cheek. I kissed him quickly, just a peck, to let him know I loved him too.

"Now, Lets get you home." He smiled at me, then lifted me from the bed after the nurse removed the IV. He carried me to the car, afraid to put me down.

I laughed lightly, "I can walk."

He grinned and held me tighter in his arms, then put me in the car. He leaned over and buckled me in and I kissed the back of his shoulder. He walked around to the other side of the car and drove me out of the parking lot of the hospital.

About ten minutes later he turned bright red and looked away from me.

"I don't know where you live." He said in a small voice, turning redder by the second.

I laughed lightly and kissed his cheek. "I live on the road behind the school.. What's it called..?"

He smiled and looked over at me then told me my exact address.

"Hello, new Neighbor!" He laughed and smiled at the realization of living right next to me.


I ran upstairs into my bedroom after Shaun dropped me off. I watched him walk into his house from my bedroom window. Two minutes later, He was in the room I could see into from my window. I closed the curtains.

I ran into my personal bathroom where I had all my cleaning supplies and everything. I grabbed the small box that I had hid under the sink. Razors. I grabbed one from the box and put the box back under the sink.

I walked back into my room and sat in the corner below the window after locking the door. I put the tip of the blade against the skin on my wrist and started sliding the blade across my arm.





Four times. I watched the blood fall from my wrist onto the floor. I felt the pain throughout my body. I scanned over the past scars that I had up my arm. The scars on my legs. The scars on my waist. Thank god the nurse never said anything to Shaun about all the scars on my arm.

Would he get mad like James did? Would he hurt me? No, Shaun wouldn't do that.. He wouldn't hurt me..

I walked into the bathroom and ran water over my arm. I washed the blood off and put on a sweater; Nobody needed to see the scars of pain, misery, and broken times. But now it was a painful habit. I liked the feeling of the pain.

I crawled into bed and stared up at the fan, letting the pain wash over me. My deep thoughts were interupted by my grandmother opening the squeaky front door and yelling my name.

I walked downstairs to find my grandmother with a very angry look on her face as she examinted the room we were standing in.

"Why the hell are you not cleaning?" She growled at me.

I knew not to reply to her anymore. I didn't need to replay the first time I talked back to her. I'm pretty sure I still have bruises.

I grabbed the cleaning supplies from my bathroom and went to work on the house for the rest of the night.


Author speaking!! I'm probably going to end up updating this story more than one time per day so stay tuned!! Xoxo ~S

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