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When I was young, my mother wanted me to join acting workshops, but I kept on refusing because I was never interested in acting or anything related to arts.

But as of this moment I'm slowly regretting that decision.

You see, I don't want anyone to know about what happened last week,  especially not by a friend of Noah.

Though he is slightly different from them.

But that's not the point!

I'm just so stupid! Why did I just assume that the driver who almost hit me was the one who drove me to the hospital?

He can't know it was me. He can't.

Here goes nothing.

"What? I never went to a hospital last week." I said convincingly with a sickeningly sweet tone. Gosh I hate my life.

His mouth slightly tilted upwards, though he is slightly appealing at doing so, but it was creeping me out. I have a bad feeling.

"It took you about 15 seconds to answer therefore, you're lying." He said with a smug expression on his face. Oh, how I wish I could just punch that smug look of his face. I'll go back to my first speculation of him when I said that he's no different than those scum he hangs out with.

My hands were curling into fists as I stared into his eyes in silent rage. I really want to punch him, but then I would be no different from Noah who doesn't know the word restraint.

Screw acting.

"What is it to you? For all I know you are just talking to me because you want to know what kind of freak show I am." He was now facing my back as I sauntered towards the girl's bathroom. Hopefully, he wouldn't say anything further.

I spoke too soon

"Hey! wait where are you going?" He shouted. His voice was loud enough to attract the attention of some nosey students within a 2 mile radius.

Just great. When I say I hate attention and drama. I mean it with all my damn soul.

He kept on repeating his question that I chose blatantly ignore, until I reached the bathroom.

I got inside the bathroom with a mindset that I would finally have momentary peace of mind. But the world just won't let me have that, won't it?

In front of the mirror there stood 2 of the fakest people I know with an Asian girl with them, who looks really familiar.

Is having Asian goons a thing nowadays? Not to be racist or anything.

"Well look at what the cat dragged in" Courtney Hopkins said with an evil smirk plastered on her face while flicking her mascara wand as she dramatically turned her head to me.

Jolina Jefferson snickered at her side while nudging and whispering to the pretty Asian girl beside her. The girls eyes focused on me with a slight disgust on her face.

It wouldn't take seconds to realize that Jolina was feeding her false information or horribly altered truths. Not really surprising though, since they are the ones who supply the rumor mill of the school on a daily or weekly basis. They are just doing that to fulfill their twisted thoughts. They watch other peoples lives fall to pieces in front of them just to tend their twisted yearning for entertainment.

When we were still friends, I caught glimpses of what they really were inside, like the fact that none of them are to be trusted. They bad mouth each other behind the others back. Courtney would say something bad about Jolina and Jolina would also say something bad about Courtney and the cycle goes on. In our friendship, they were the toxic ones. when I knew they were still friends (probably not for long) after they abandoned me, I was shocked for a good minute until I remembered the saying 'birds with the same feather, flock together'

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