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"Good morning class"

My teacher said as she entered the classroom. Various of groans rang throughout the classroom, I couldn't blame them though, math is treacherous, I myself was trying to suppress a groan.

Morning classes passed like a blur since all I ever did was write,listen,answer and the saga continues on and on. When lunch rolled around, I went to the cafeteria to buy food.

I often avoid the cafeteria to avoid unnecessary confrontations, the reason why I always bring my pack lunch with me. Today was just an exception. After what happened with the dead hamster thing with Adaline and with my father pissed at me for my disrespectful attitude I decided I didn't want to see them in the morning and just go to school before they woke up.

I was still angry cause after that incident, I had dreams or memory flashes of that night.

But now, what I could vividly remember was the black car that has been following me for almost a month. They must have some sort of connection,right?

Or was it just my subconscious playing with me?

After that car ride with jaemin, I kept on noticing that  car but in not so close proximity compared before.

I stood in line anticipating another prank or 'flying' food that thought my face was a landing pad.

I was already at the front of the line when I heard someone call me.


Thats a first.

I turned around and saw the one and only Jaemin Lee with the usual smile on his face that annoyed me so so much.

"Lady, you're holding up the line" the grumpy lunch lady said. I put my attention on her and ordered lunch, like I planned to. After paying I grabbed my lunch and head out of the cafeteria, surprisingly without not much of a hassle.

"Ms. Johnsen, eating lunch in the garden?" a teacher that I failed to recognize said as I stepped out of the cafeteria, I nodded and was on my way.

No wonder no one harassed me inside, there are teachers.

I gave her a small smile and walked and I slightly stiffen when I heard her talk to another student

"Mr. Lee, going outside as well?"

No. Please no.

"Yeah, the weather is great today" He said cheekily.

The weather is anything but great, you idiot. Its gloomy.

I practically ran out of there and went to my spot under a tree in the school garden. The garden wasnt even that big and great, which was the reason why students usually doesnt stay there, but it wasnt that bad.

I sat there silently for a good minute then an annoying voice suddenly rang out.

"Hello Natalie"

I looked up and saw the annoying asian. How could anyone be so annoying?

I ignored him and started eating my lunch.

That's great grass there.

"Stop ign- you know what? Im sorry." he said in exasperation and continued
" I know that was a low blow or something and I apologize and will you come to the party tonight?" He said while looking at me in the eye.

Straight forward much?

And...... wait what did he just say?


He rolled his eyes "Come with me to a party at courtney's tonight" He said again. I raised my eyebrows at what he said. Was he serious? Me, the freak of Willerton High School, going to a party? With him? Highly unlikely.

"No" I deadpaned and got up.

"Come on. I promise you'll have a good time - wait that came out wrong - hey!"

Wow. We're practically strangers, he helps me, then drags me to walmart, then invites me to a party - specifically courtneys?
What is his motive?

We must have a motive, right? No one would put up with this piece of spoilt milk without planning anything to throw it out.

I fast walked through the hallways as students went out of the cafeteria as lunch was about to end. I quickly went to my locker, entered my combination and grabbed whatever I needed in the fastest I could go.

"Natalie!" I hear amidst the loud chatters.

Would he just give up? Give a girl a break, dammnit!

The bell rang just in time for me to slip into class, luckily we don't share 4th period.



My father greeted me with an annoyed Adaline beside him as I stepped inside of the house

Why was he here?
Why does she look like a glitzy camel in drugs?

Adaline was wearing a rainbow tight dress with glitter and her face has glitter as well. What the hell is going on?

"What is going on?" I asked with my eyebrows raised as I placed my bag on the couch. I have a bad feeling about what he was gonna say.

"Daddy I don't want her to. She'll just embarrass me" adaline said in a full on spoilt brat tantrum mode. God, I hope she drops it now I can't stand it.

And me embarrass her? More like her embarrassing me in the way she's acting.

Father ignored her and took in a large breath and started to speak.


How many times I have heard my name throughout this day? I know I might've said O don't like to be called Alice and all but I think this surpassed a limit.

"-Would you please escort your sister to a party tonight she said it would be a gathering of friends and I just want someone to keep an eye on her" As he said 'her' he looked at adaline pointedly that resulted in adaline to roll her eyes.

"Where's her mother anyway?"

"She's in a meeting. So go and get dressed." Father dearest said.

They forced me into this and changing my clothes is not an option and who says I agreed to this predicament?

"I did not agree to this" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Me neither and if I have to drag you out with me so that I could go so be it" Adaline said as she crossed her arms stubbornly and annoyingly.

"I'm not changing my clothes"I declared as I followed suit with her stubbornness.

"Fine!" She threw her hands in the air dramatically and grabbed her clutch and went out of the house and to the garage.

Damn sisters.

I heard a cough and looked at my father with my eyebrow raised.

"That settles it"

And he went upstairs.

I sighed and followed adaline.

How could parents allow their daughter to this?

I wasn't even allowed!

This is gonna be horrible.


Dedicated to burnocanvie
And saidalicous because they are annoying.

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