Part two

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Satoshi and Yuuki walks home to Rito, there Hiyuu and Ichirou waits for us.

They knock at Ritos yellow door and wait for him to open. It takes ten seconds before he opens the door for them.

"Hello Satoshi and Yuuki! Please enter." He says and let them enter his house.

They take their shoes and jackets of and walks to Ritos livingroom. There's Hiyuu and Ichirou sitting.

"Hello, you look tired Satoshi." Hiyuu says and giggle.

Satoshi blushes hard and looks at his feet, he doesn't like when people giggle at him.

"Stop giggle...."

Rito comes into the room with a plate of breakfast.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"We ate breakfast before we came..."


Rito walks back to the kitchen and put the plate away. Then he walks back to the others in the living room.

"Shall we discuss about the adventure?" Yuuki asks and lay his hands on his lap.

"Yeah... I think we should..."

"So, where do we start?"

No body answers the question.

"I don't know... We have to plan this really, really good..."


To be continued...

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