Ch.3 - Restrictor Cuff

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Dawn was hardly even breaking when I woke. Despite the extremely early hours, I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep. For a while, I simply lay beneath my bubble gum pink covers - decorated with an array of Fairy Type Pokémon, staring out my window at the island I called home. It was nice, always quiet in the morning. Although, it was beginning to bore me. I knew this island like the back of my hand as it only takes roughly an hour to walk your way around it's border.

Pushing back my bedsheets, I crawled from my bed, picking up a sleeping Frost Flower as I did so. My Guardian Angel opened her eyes, surveying the room carefully before looking up at me questioningly. "Danger?" She inquired, cocking her head to the side as one ear flattened itself in a lopsided fashion.

"Nah, breakfast!" I responded as we left my bedroom, tiptoeing past my parents room. The hall was decorated with a mass of family photos, Pokémon included, from various years of life - starting round about when my parents were teenagers, soon after they met I do believe. I could easily pick out my parents wedding photos, my first one and my favourite being one with Nan, Mum, Dad, Uncle Silver, Aunty Destiny, Chrome and myself when I was three among the clutter of framed memories spilling down the stairs and into the living area.

As I entered our open living space, where our lounge room, dinning room and kitchen where - undivided by walls it created a beautifully open living space, I looked out at the rising sun with a soft smile of admiration. One whole wall was made from glass, creating a marvellous view of the ocean and sunrise.

Mum sat at the counter, looking through a small pile of paperwork with a slight frown over her features, Night lay at her feet - her ears twitching lightly as I entered the joined rooms but she didn't stir. Mum however, turned towards me, seemingly surprised to see me up.

"Good morning Harmony." Mum smiled after a moment. "Why are you up so early?" She questioned, taking a sip of what I presume was her coffee before standing up and walking around he kitchen counter.

Shrugging slightly, I sat beside where she was previously. "I dunno, I just kind of - woke up? Not sure really."

Mum pulled out a tin of powdered chocolate and the milk, continuing only once she had my favourite Oricorio Mug from the cupboard. "Fare enough." She stated, dumping two tea spoon of the power in the mug. "I could use the company."

"Why are you up Mum?" I questioned as I set Frost next to Night.

Setting my mug into the microwave, Mum turned then nodded towards the lounge area of the room. "Trust's litter hatched early this morning. I had to make sure everything went smoothly while your father slept more soundly then you did as an infant."

"Really?" I beamed, quickly hopping from my chair and snuck into the lounge room, peeking in quietly at the family of sleeping Eevee's. Trust, my mother's Espeon was curled up with my father's Espeon - Vee. Both were sleeping soundly was an abundance of sleeping baby Eevee's between them - one or two however seemed to be awake, squiggling among their sibblings. These few were watched over by their aunt, her amber eyes following every movement the babies made. The shiny Umbreon was also my mothers, her longest Team mate actually. Hope and Trust weren't actually sisters but they'd hatched together as my mother's starters and had been together most their lives.

"They're so cute!" I beamed, searching the litter for a shiny as her first litter had. There wasn't one this time though. "Where's this lot going? Can we keep them?"

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