This really shouldn't have happened

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"Try as you might Angeletre you can not do magic." Said Francis Bonnefoy  the personification of France.
"Shut up you bloody frog! I'm trying to concentrate here!" Exclaimed Arthur Kirkland. Looking irritated at Francis.

"England, vis it really necessary to do magic here?" Ludwig Belesmidt asks exparated. Normally he could stop the oh so regular bouts between England and France in the world meetings, but today even Doitsu couldn't stop the former British empire.

Currently the countries were at a world meeting in America. The usual was happening. America boasting about being the hero. Italy saying something about pasta. His more violent brother yelling at Spain for some reason. Russia creepily trying to persuade China to become one with him. Purrisa talking to..... Someone in the corner. Japan and Greece having a weird conversation quietly.

Germany's eye twitched. Why was he the only sane person stuck in the room? Moreover how did he stop England from doing something stupid? Because he just started chanting something and it really doesn't look  good.

"HEY IGGY!! COULD YOU COME AND LISTEN TO THIS?" Yelled America as he made his way towards England. Completely ignoring that it might be dangerous. "Vait America!!" Germany exclaimed but it was too late. America already had his hand on England's shoulder and was shaking him dissolving the concentration he had.

It seemed to go slow motion from there. England looking at America wide eyed before turning back to the Pentagon he had drawn on the floor. The Pentagon began to emit a bright light that got everyone's attention and blinded them momentarily. Then the explosion came and blew the countries in the room away.

The countries woke up with a killer headache. "What the bloody hell happened?" England asked groggily. "Shouldn't you know the answer to that?" France asks accusingly. "I would if that bloody git didn't interrupt my spell" England replied looking pointedly towards America.

It took a while for the nations to gather their bearings. That's when they noticed the Pentagon England drew. Only it wasn't empty like it should have been. There were six teenagers heaped on top of each other.

"Oh, great, what did your magic do this time tea bastard?" Romano exclaimed. England glared at him but didn't reply. "Should we wake them up aru?" China asked. "They could be dangerous." Russia warned and everyone looked at him quizzically. More dangerous than him? Hardly possible.

"I'LL wake them up!!" Exclaimed America as he went towards the kids. First things first, get them off of each other. He got to work. The slender looking brunet girl was on top of everyone. He got her down first. Then there was a blonde boy who looked kinda like her but not really.

Then he went for the girl with white-ish skin and blonde hair. Under him was a boy with white hair like jack frost only longer and he had slightly asian- ish features After that was the girl with honey blonde hair who was wearing a jacket much like his own. And finally underneath everyone was a boy with straw blonde hair. He was quite pale.

"COME ON BUDDIES!! EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!!" Alfred hollered. The kids squinted. "What hit me?" Mumbled the last girl with a clear English accent. "Magic duh." The boy next to her grinned.

"Vis this vat they told us about?" Said the first blonde boy. "That much is obvious, ja?" Asked the boy with white hair. The countries took a good look at them. The girl who was on top or the only brunette of the group had green eyes much like well... Spain's. Her otherwise straight hair did have a curl to it though.

The blond boy who looked kinda like her was definitely more buff. And he had amber eyes. the pale girl with blonde hair had eyes that were red. And the white haired boy had brown eyes and a very scary smile that was close to Russia's.

The last girl with honey blonde hair and the jacket had green eyes the shade was much like England's. And the final boy looked like he could have passed as a younger more muscled version of England other than his eyes which were blue and a  grin instead of a scowl adorning his face.

The group of teenagers looked at the nations and began elbowing each other, possibly trying to get someone to speak. "Oh, for the love of!" Exclaimed the pale blonde girl and pushed the other blonde girl to the front. (I didn't realise there could be so much blonde in a single paragraph)

The girl pushed forward gave the other a playful glare before turning to the nations who were still looking at them dumbfounded. "Uh, hello. Well, the thing is....... Um...... How do I put this? We're.... From the future." She stammered out.

The nations continued to stare at them dumbly.


YAY!!! I'm writing something!!!

I really do love writing about Hetalia and I hope you guys liked reading about this too.

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