Wait..... no way!!

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Dedicated to Nusratjahan119

"You're what?" England asked the girl dumbly. "From the future idiota." The brunette behind intended blonde answered. "And..... You..... Uh....." For the first time in his life America seemed to be at a loss for words.

"We should give them a proper explanation ja?" The white haired boy asked the blue eyed blond boy who bristles. "Yeah, yeah commie. We should, but definitely not you, maybe Lon, the otty and ber?" The boy offered.

"Sure, vwe could do that." Said the blond with amber eyes. "Ve~ please explain." Italy practically begged. The boy muttered something unintelligible.

"So as we were saying, we come from the future, from 2078 we're not exactly born in that year it's just the year we come from. See there's a lot of space time continuum stuff going on, so you all won't remember what happened here until the day we came from in 2078. And the people of 2078 will take us back in a while." The honey blonde girl took a breath.

"So, how do you know all of this señora?" Asked Spain. The teenagers looked uncomfortable. "Weeell~ our parents told us?" The blue eyed blonde boy drawed. "And you know who we are?" Japan asks calmly. The kids nodded.

"Let's start from a bit before, ya see, we're technically children of countries." Said the blonde pale girl. "CHILDREN?!?" Exclaimed America. The teenagers slowly nodded. "Ve're.... How to put this....., you see, ve were 'born' like you, but ve're more like capitals rather than countries. And ve look more like our parents partners than the parent."

"So you're our capitals and our children ja?" Russia asks and the white haired boy nodded. "Wait..... Partners?" Prussia asks. "Uh...... Yeah, most of you are married in the future and not all the capitals are here" says the blonde pale girl and the other blonde girl with green eyes muttered, "thank god they're not."

"Well, you guys should tell us your name and parents aru." China said. The teenagers looked to each other and seemed to come to an agreement. "How about we tell you our human names and give you small informations, lets see if you could figure out our parents?" The green eyed boy proposed. The countries nodded. "Fair enough." Germany decided. "COOL!!! A GAME!!!!" Exclaimed... Well, you all know who did it.

"Kay, so.... Tor go first." The boy said pointing at the pale girl in the corner. "Uh, hi so my human name is Tory. And my parents probably won't get a heart attack when they find out who they're married to." She says and the nations try to take a guess. It is mostly random, but then France raised his hand.

"Well, one of you're parents is Canada correct?" He asks the girl. The futures looked impressed. "Uh, yeah." Then France raised his hands upwards imitating a victory dance as Canada turned red.

France turned towards the girl again and smirked, "now don't look so meek ma petît, that isn't even close to you're other father." He gave a full blown grin as the look on the teenager's face told that they knew exactly who he's talking about and that he's right.

"Wait seriously? He's right?" Asked America. Just to make sure. "Uh, yeah, I'm Ottawa. One of my fathers is Canada. And France probably guessed the other one." Tory confirmed.

England turned towards France who was smirking slightly. "Well, who is it?" He asked. "Impatient as ever Angeletre. But if I am correct, the other father of this child would be Prussia." The smirk never left France's face. It grew wider seeing his friend grow red from the gazes he received from America.

"Uh.... Hi papa and papa." Tory says. The nation and former nation avoid each other's gazes but they couldn't help giving Tory a loving smile.

"Kay, who's next?" Asks the brunette girl. "I can go da?" Asked the white haired boy. "Uh, sure Dimitri." Replied the green eyed blonde.

"Da, so my name is..." "Lon already said your human name Commie, try something else." Interrupted the blue eyed boy. Dimitry huffed, "like I told you before, none of my parents are Communists anymore." Dimitri replied coolly it looked like everyday banter so no one paid much attention.

America raised his hand like a little kid. "Ooh, ooh ooh i know! You're Moscow!" He exclaimed. The nations looked at the teenagers for confirmation. They nodded so America continued on, "and looking at you I'd say your other parent would be China." The nations looked dumbfounded.

The future kids confirmed it again. China sputtered indignally while Russia kept up with the scary smile.

"Alright I'll go next I guess."


Welp done again, yay!!!. And omg people are reading this *victory dance* Also sorry for the cliffhanger. But tell me which Italy brother's child do you want first, they'll both be exposed but who do you want first? Let me know!!

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