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"I'll go next I guess..." The brunette girl began. "W-wait a minute! I was actually right about Russia being married to China?!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Wait you weren't serious?!?!" The green eyed blonde girl exclaimed. "Nope! I just took a guess." Alfred claimed with his usual obnoxious grin. The girl and England simultaneously facepalmed. She muttered something like 'when will I learn?'.

"Well, what's done is done, why don't you go next?" Japan calmly asked the amber eyed blond boy who nodded. "That would be good, well, my human name is Bertram. I'm.... Uh, in the axis in a way....." The boy stumbled through the clue part.

"Ve~ so one of the axis is one of your parents?" Italy asks. The boy looks at the Italian oddly before saying, "ves, vou could say that." Italy cheerfully announced that he had no idea anymore.

"If I may Bertram kun." Japan raised his hand. "Yes, Japan?" "You wouldn't happen to be Berlin would you?" Japan asks. The boy nods in the affirmative and Germany blushes. "Vell, vell west, looks like you're getting hitched too." Prussia smirks glad to have a chance to tease the ever perfect county.

"So, who's the other parent?" Asks Romano irritatedly. "I have my suspicions, Romano kun, but I'm not saying it yet." Japan politely stated.

"Well, ya know, I though his other father would be found out as soon as they realized that he's Berlin." The blue eyed boy smirked. The countries didn't realize that he was trying to give out a clue.

Catching on, Berlin took it in strides, "I know, it's so obvious too, my uncle stays irritated about them being together still, I heard that he vas
Vorse about it before I vas born." He sighed.

"Well, thanks for the clue Berlin, it's as clear as day now!" Exclaimed Spain. "What is clear as day idiota?" Asked an irritated Romano. "It's Italia!!" Spain says with his usual cheerful grin.

Germany blushed. Italy would've blushed if he wasn't busy trying to process what Berlin said. "WHAT THE ACTUAL F***?!?!" Exclaimed Romano. The other nations nodded sagely like it made all the sense in the world.

Romano sighed and looked towards Germany, "you better take care of my fratello potato bastard." He told him.

"I'll go now, you and Lizzie could go together si?" The brunette girl asked the blue eyed boy. "Yeah, sure." Answered 'Lizzie'

"So my human name is Maria. And..... Oh, screw it, I'm Bertram's cousin." The girl said grinning. "Oh, well, we figured out one of the parents......" Canada mumbled. "WHAT ME?!?!" Romano yelled. "Si! Hola papa!" The girl exclaimed. The half country in question slumped.

"Ve~ Ok, who's the other parent?" Italy asked his nice. "It's still a game~" she sing-songed. "Oh, but, we could give you a clue ja?" Dimitri asked/told the nations were too uncomfortable to care.

"Uh, si, that would be great." Spain said. The teenagers grinned. "Well~ papa's a part of the BTT" Maria said. "Well then it's obviously Spain." Japan input from next to the sleeping Greece.

"Wha- How the hell is it obviously Spain?!?" Romano exclaimed trying to wriggle out of the grasp of a happy Spaniard.

"Well, Prussia is already with Canada, that leaves France and Spain.... I think between them, you'd choose Spain." Japan interpreted. Romano didn't have much protest after that. The nations looked towards Maria.

"Si! I'm actually Madrid."

"Well, Liz, last two standing..." The blue eyed blonde boy stated. "It would seem so." The girl in question nodded. "Maria said something about you two going together?" Spain questions.

"Uh, yeah, you see, we're siblings." Liz said. The countries looked confused. "Our parents are married to each other and we also were born in the same day. So we're practically twins." The boy ex

"Oh, cool. Go ahead dude!!"

"So, my name is Elizabeth....." Lizzie started but was stopped. "Wait. I totally got this, you're London." America interrupted. "What? Are you just throwing stones in the dark again git?" England fumed.

"Nope, there's just no other nation in the world who'd name their child after your queen." Alfred replied with a cheeky grin. The brit bristled and looked towards Elizabeth. Who nodded sheepishly.

England gave her a sweet smile.

"Well, now that Lizzie is out, I'm the last one from the future, my human name is Alex. And......." He stopped short looking for clues to give out about himself. His twin smirked and 'helped him out'

"And you're obsessed with burgers too?" She questioned mockingly. "Am not!" "Both of you are and you know it." London smirked. The countries on the other hand were not that great at handling things. Most just sat there with their mouth agape.

England turned a violent shade of red from anger or embarrassment no one could tell. Now America on the other hand was as clueless as ever. "Could you give another clue? I can't figure it out." The nations continued to gape as Dimitri chuckled.

"Looks like everyone else figured it out ja?" He smiled at Alex who scowled. "Shut up Commie, no one asked you" he said and the thing I've been waiting for happened,

England fainted


Aannd that's a wrap!!!

Sorry for the two false updates, my phone was bad!!

Anyway, hope you guys will like this chapter

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