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Summary: Something happened that fateful Halloween night all those years ago and Harry can't help but question… Is he actually Harry? And what in the world does Severus Snape have to do in all of this? Creature fic.

Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter

Warnings (Not all at once but planned for future chapters) : Character death, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying, swearing. (That's all for now I think)

Chapter one: Introductions

Harrison "Harry" James Potter stood in the front hall of number four Privet Drive flipping through the mail. Stopping when he reaches the bottom of the pile...

... Someone had written to HIM...

Harry stared at it, his heart twanging like a rubber band. No one, ever, in his whole life, had written to him. Who would? He had no friends, no other relatives... He didn't belong to the library, so he'd never even gotten one of those rude notes asking for books back. Yet here it was, a letter, addressed to his cupboard in elegant green writing as plain and clean as Aunt Petunia had him keep the house.

Mr. H. Potter

The cupboard under the stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Winging


He turns the thick, heavy, stamp-less envelope made of yellowing paper with trembling hands. It was closed with a purple wax seal that was unplace-ably familiar to the ten-year-old boy. A coat of arms, it seemed, an H surrounded by a lion, a raven, a badger, and a snake.

"What's taking so long Boy," Uncle Vernon calls from the kitchen where his relatives are eating the breakfast he had cooked but hadn't been invited to eat. "Checking for letter bombs?" He chuckles at his own joke, Harry for the life of him will probably never understand the fat whale's sense of humor. (Not that he would ever want to mind.)

The Raven haired boy walks back to the kitchen, handing his uncle (A large beefy man with watery blue beady eyes, thick blond hair, and not much neck) the bill and postcard that had also been on the mat this morning as he stared at his own mail trying to figure out where his sense of deja vu was coming from.

Not that he was given much time to think before Dudley called (Read: Yelled) attention to said letter. Harry flinches as the envelope is torn angrily from his hands...

... Hopefully this wouldn't hurt too badly...

-- Page Break --

A 21-year-old with silky shoulder length black hair, large obsidian eyes, the delicate hands of a pianist, flawless porcelain skin, and a cute button nose sits at his desk in the dungeons writing out lesson plans for the new school year. Or he SHOULD be...

..... Silky black hair has turned greasy and straggly from lack of care, shining obsidian eyes have dulled to a  life-less black that reflects no emotion, pianist hands are stained from potion making, the long fingers deformed from the long hours spent over a cauldron and quite a few times being broken, skin shallow and yellowing from lack of sunlight is littered with scars from dangers both past and persistently present, and a nose once perfect and straight is now a large and jagged beak from being broken and reset improperly a few to many times. But, of course, who would think of anything deeper about 31-year-old Severus Tobias Snape than that he was a git and a Death eater?

No one...

... Not one single person here had cared about him since he was 15-years-old. And even than it wasn't that one single person that was SUPPOSED to care about him. But that didn't matter, he was used to not being cared for by those who society deemed needed to care...

...Why would they?

He was less than worthless after all...

Hey everyone! Well I hope you like this story so far but it's probably to soon to tell and the chapters need to get longer. They will...


The next chapter is going to be the sorting and then things should speed up slightly though the chapters will be sprinkled throughout the years instead of straight through all of it until the fifth year where there will be enough of a change in the story that I don't feel as if it were nearly word for word from the actual Harry Potter series. I should probably add anorexia and cutting to the warnings list at some point....

... But now I'm ranting to myself so I'll wrap this up. If anyone has suggestions, comments, requests, or simply wish to guess about some question posed in the story at any time feel free to use the review box or to PM me. Until next time,

... Bye!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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