Dear father,

And so it began. I believe i'm the mentally ill one. I swear i'm seeing an image of the devil beckoning me to drown in his darkness. Father i'm scared. I feel helpless. I feel as if my being is being ripped out of my throat and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. Why didn't you teach me to pray father. Why didn't you teach me how to fight the devil. maybe that's because you were one. Every Irish bone in your body is downright evil. I apologize if i come across as rude. 

"amazing grace how sweet the sun that saved a wretch like me..." this not helping at all I feel a mockery. How do you fight with a weapon you don't believe in. I can't describe the emptiness I feel. I don't know what she had done to me. I don't want to know. She place something within me that I can't acknowledge. If I do I know that it will eat away all my sanity.

it takes time i was told. Time seems to be a metaphor that I can't seem to personify. I'm drowning and I want to escape. She took me to her meeting yesterday. The master of ceremony was a man dressed in black that screams danger. He was beautiful,the epitome of a girl's wildest fantasy. Yet he was the
hyperbole of a human's worst nightmare. He looked innocent, saintly even, but his presence screamed danger, it's dark and inhumane. Danger surrounds him and even though they chants  and send thunderous praises his way, I knew that they are afraid. I didn't understand why they would praise someone they fear because I've learnt from you father that respect out of fear is no respect at all. Loyalty out of fear is no loyalty at all because once that person gets the opportunity they will betray you. 

see father ... I have been paying attention. I should thank you though I won't.


Annie Mae 

Elizabeth was getting irritated. they were at the Rose hall estate in St. James the place were it had all allegedly  began. the other girls seem to think that  she had life easy after all her father is rich and she lived off his resources. what they don't know can't hurt them right? in fact she didn't need to tell them the story of her life. It's easy to judge a book by it's cover and one thing Elizabeth had discovered his that once you have a perception of what the story entails, no matter what you uncover the truth will be shadowed by what one believed to be true. If these girls are like that then this task will be harder than she thought. When given a mission as this one has no time to be blinded by their own perceptions. 

Elizabeth knew how life works. She had to learn because when your parents are rich and famous you will forever be seen as a over privileged brat. that is how these girls saw her, they didn't hide it and she didn't care. 

Elizabeth sat with her legs folded beneath her. the other girls sat across from her gazing out the window. They didn't seem as if they wanted her there and quite frankly she didn't care.  The estate was a little more modern than how it  use to be and Elizabeth presume it's the replica of what a rich person's prison is supposed to be. She could imagine how the white witch felt being isolate, being separated by class and color.  She felt how that was like. 

"I don't believe that there is another version to the story," Amira said folding her arms and looking unperturbed. " Voodoo is a very dangerous thing it would drive any sane person into a villain." she added looking at each one for effect. 

" who said that she was sane?" said Elizabeth. Amira frowned while Josepha chuckled. Mariana gave a full blown laugh that caused everyone to look at her. 

" Besides," continued Elizabeth," every villain has a story." 

Amira's frown deepened. She didn't like the fact that Elizabeth was right. 

" But that doesn't mean that what we see isn't how it is," commented Mariana trying to support her friend even though she didn't believe that this was so. She too had learnt that it's easy to believe what isn't the truth rather than face the reality. 

"It's never how we see it," Elizabeth said to no one in particular.

" It often is,"  Amira defended. 

" Joker wasn't a villain by choice. someone drove the man into the state of insanity. So it's not a question of whether or not the woman was truly evil. It's why? what was her trigger?" Elizabeth told them. she was a little pissed that these so called experts was so narrow minded. 

" Not everyone has a trigger," Amira said looking far away. Elizabeth smirked.  How easy it is to let your own experiences cloud your vision. 

" Your a foolish girl if you thought that your sister was happy before the dark magic got the best of her," Elizabeth told her.  Amira glared at Elizabeth she didn't understand why the girl find it necessary to voice her thoughts all the time. Josepha thought it best to remain quiet. 

"Why?" asked Mariana a little ashamed that she wasn't more like Elizabeth. 

" Yes why did she do it." Josepha said smiling slightly. she knew that Elizabeth would come in handy. the girl has this charm about her that draws people in. She knew things about her that the others didn't. That is why she's not so quick to judge the girl. 

Amira finally understood their mission. It's not about proving the tale wrong. It's about finding out what had happened to Mrs. Palmer. What forced he to turn into a villain. 

" How will we do that when that was over 200 years ago!" Mariana exclaimed. Elizabeth could see that the girl was a bit dramatic. 

" we're in her estate right?" said Elizabeth stating the obvious. 

" and old people knows everything," added Josepha. 

" so you're suggesting we go and snoop around the estate and old people?" questioned Mariana.  

" and I know the perfect place to begin," Said Elizabeth with a smile. Amira , for some odd reason, didn't like the sound of that. 

" Where is that?" asked Josepha she too didn't think that Elizabeth was thinking of anything sensible. 

" so there's this grand ball ever year a few days from now actually, and every high posh members will attend..." 

" So you're suggesting we crash a high society ball!" exclaimed Amira liking the idea a little too much.

" Weren't you taught to not disturb others when they are talking?" asked Elizabeth. Amira kept her mouth shut.

" Besides I did say every high posh members of society will attend which means that I have my invite already." Said a smiling Elizabeth.  

Amira felt a stench of envy crawled up her spine. she hated the idea that Elizabeth was getting so many praise. she shook the feeling away.

" dress decent girls," Elizabeth said grinning. 

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