Dear father,

You know why i am as hurt as I am now? not when you died, not when mother followed, not even when your most trusted servant sold me to the devil. yes father, I have figured out what had happened to me. I was feeling drawn to the the devil because a piece of him was transported within me. its funny really the mentally ill woman you called your wife was right. i guess she could see the devil in nounou something you couldn't . I suppose you were blinded by her hideous beauty, a beauty that only you could see. i'm trying not to give in father, not because i'm religious but because i dread seeing your face again, not because i'm afraid of you but because I am afraid of what i may do.

now back back to what i wanted to tell you. NOTHING that had before happened could have prepared me for this horror. NOTHING, I have come to realize, can hurt more than the emotional pain inflicted by your own family, by those that is suppose to love you the most. The idea that they despised me just as much as I loved them hurts more than it should. I do not believe a knife wrung in back would hurt more. you see father I believe myself to be naive because i should have known better. why do I not seem to learn. They are , after all, your family. It seems evil flows through our veins. it is like a disease that eats at our hearts and conscience. Perhaps like the rest of you I am destined to be that way. I will fight father. I will conquer what ever curse you and the rest of my ancestors had bestowed upon me and my family. it is quite obvious that our lineage must be curse to exercise such cruelty. can you believe? my own relatives looked upon my person and told me with no remorse that I deserved what ever dreadful that had and will befall me. They truly are an harsh set of people. I do not believe they know empathy but neither did you.I shouldn't have expected no better but but I am just a child and i do not think it would do me any good to give up hope. if i do i know i will become i dread the most. It's actually funny that the persons I thought loved me the most are the ones I am to fear. Your enemies can't hurt you father. Scheming and backstabbing is what you would expect of them. Now when I look at it Nounou loved me more you or mother ever had. I must say that I regret ever hating the woman in the first place. She showed me more love and respect than every one else. Perhaps you were right she isn't the anti Christ. I assure you this father you and your family will regret every thing that you had ever done to my poor soul. They say that there's no pain beyond the grave but I will prove other wise. I will restore my wealth.


Annie Mae

Elizabeth wasn't quiet fond of the event. She believed it to be a means for the wealthiest members of society to gossip and demean their counterparts. This however, makes it and excellent resource to get the needed information. Currently the stood at the right corner of the auditorium taking in the unpleasant scenery before them. Amira was feeling pissed but that wasn't something new. However, the current reason for her was justified though the others saw it as an misunderstanding. the three took it to heart when Elizabeth told them to dress decent hence their current predicament. Elizabeth was astonished to find them dressed rather old fashioned and laughed at their folly. They were decorated in gowns that seemed to be from the 16th Century and was quite unpleasant to the eye. while Elizabeth was elegantly dressed in a silk red dress that showed just enough cleavage to get men's antennas running. the dressed was closely fit showing all the necessary curves, her hair was done in untamed curls falling over her and she wore a red lipstick finishing with a gold show and purse.

" I said elegantly not like you great grandmother's mother," said Elizabeth.

Before the girls could attempt to change Johnathon and Nathaniel came torturing the poor souls.

Amira frowned every now and then emphasizing her mood. Her eyes caught a very handsome man looking about the room. she took a deep breathe and watched as his bored expression took in the faces of his party mates. he didn't look like he was happy to be there which she could relate to. His eyes turned their way and she held her breathe waiting for his eyes to meet hers. It didn't. His eyes lit up though his face remained indifferent and walked their way. at first she thought he was coming directly to her but frowned when she saw his intent.

" Beth darling!" he said to Elizabeth who was speaking to Johnathon. She frowned as did her companion. However that frowned didn't last when she saw the person standing with open arms behind her.

"Hello Xander," she said walking in them. The man planted a kiss directly on her lips and Elizabeth swatted his arms playfully.

" Must you always create a scene?" she asked.

" You do that all by yourself sweetie." he told her amusement dancing in his eyes.

" are you two dating?" asked Amira.

" Only when she wants to erase potential husbands," he said mockingly. Elizabeth glared at him.

" you agreed did you not?" He smiled. " I see you're still feisty." she chuckled sharing in on the secret joke.

"Would you do me the honor of a dance?" he asked extending his hand. She smiled. that was code for i know what you're up to and i want you to tell me about it.

Amira watched as the man of her dreams walked away with the girl she hated.

" who is he?" she asked with a frown. Josepha glared at her when she heard her tone but said nothing.
"That's Alexander lucross!" Johnathon said with a frown.
"THE Alexander Lucross!" Exclaimed Josepha.
Johnathon nodded. The three girls gasped while staring at the couple before them. Amira frowned Elizabeth seems to get all the attention.
"Is there anyone that this girl doesn't know? Questioned Marianne.
"I doubt that."Nathaniel said coming to stand beside Marianne who began to blush.
He smiled at Alexander knowing that since Elizabeth is involved Alex would gladly tag along, something he had  refused to do.

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