Dear father,

Since late I have become frustrated. You don't have to ask why, I'll tell u anyways. Nounou allowed me to walk the streets, with a chaperone of course, even if I have no status and I may worth less than the slaves I'm white and that warrants me the pretense of a civilized woman. I believe its safe to say that society's view of civility and mine differs but I'm not in the position to behave rebellious. Due to your incompetence I'm in no position at all. I'm afraid that you've made   him in the town's square. He's a very handsome man. Mama would be proud. He said that he has a plantation in Jamaica. I've always wanted to go there. Nounou said that there's a slave on the Johnsons' estate from Jamaica, she said that the island is golden and blessed by the sun God. She said that there lies a beauty that none seem to understand, that science can't find a solution to. She said that I'm destined to travel the sea and submit to such a place. It seems Nounou was right. Finally I'm going to be free from the clutches of your past. John is an amazing man. He said that my beauty can't be defined. That it was his destiny to travel across the sea so we could meet. I do love him father. He has the reddest lips I have ever seen. He seems to know how to make me smile. Nounou said that he must really love me to avoid all society's restrictions and marry me anyways. I'm more than thankful to him. As I write we are traveling across the seas to his estate in St. James. There I know that I'll have to fight society to remain with my love but first let's enjoy what remains of our honeymoon.
Annie Mae.

Elizabeth had to wonder what cave these girls were brought up in. She stood staring at them thinking of their incompetence. The task was to gain information but the only thing they manage to get was Xander's name. She sighed regretting the day she decided to join their sorry excuse of a team. Nathaniel could see the veins in Elizabeth's forehead standing up. He knew that, that was a sign of frustration and or anger . As much as he hate the idea of saving them he decided that that's better than whatever Elizabeth was about to say.
" Johnathon and I had discovered something last night,? " he said. Elizabeth realize that he was trying to stir the argument away from what she was about to say but she was adamant in voicing her disappointments.
" At least someone got work done," she said with a frown.
" All you did all night was dance and laugh with that business mongrel," Amira decided to point out. Elizabeth laughed so they actually thought that she did nothing.
"Just so you know I did get some information from the said business mongrel. His family was well acquainted with the Palmer's."
"Oh...,"came Amira's shocked yet embarrassed reply.

" now with my business aside, Neil hun please tell me what you guys had done," Elizabeth demanding making the others feel left out. She's like that. Always have been. She was born with a disadvantage yet had the most effect. She always stood out and as a female no matter how you try not to, there'll always be some resentment.
"Mrs. Palmer seems to have kept a diary." Nathaniel said.
"You mean the journal that she use to write letters to her father ." Elizabeth asked.
" but her father is dead." Amira pointed out.
" exactly why she kept them in her journal." Elizabeth said.
"Ook...that was it. The rest isn't definite." Nathaniel said letting them know that the argument was closed for any discussion.

Everyone sat thinking about the journal. It must have some juicy details for both parties to mention it. But Amira couldn't help but think how curiosity killed the cat.

" and we have a meeting with Xander's grandmother the day after tomorrow," Elizabeth added.
"We do?" The girls chorused and I think its time you use your gifts because that place is full of..." She snorted at whatever she was about to say. She preferred not to get them scared. But they couldn't help but be being in the presence of the woman was scary enough. Everyone that met her refused to do so again or they're scarred by the meeting and those who hadn't don't want to. She's despicable and that's why the girls stood with shivers running down their spine. But if they are brave enough to attack mythical creatures surly this woman can't be worse or is she?

Alexandrya Lucross was feared by the most established persons in society. The woman pretended to be pleasant and she seems to not have a dangerous bone in her body. But the thing about the oldest Lucross is that you don't have to trifle with her to get smashed. She loathes injustice and would destroy a lion if it decides to ride an elephant. For this reason most people avoid the old lady all except Elizabeth. The old woman admire that about her and missed their usual banters after all the young chit was the only one brave enough to disagree with her. The bonus is that her grand seems to have eyes for no other. Enthusiastic is a understatement regarding how she felt when heard she was coming for dinner and Elizabeth didn't disappoint what did was the group following her looking as if they had met a ghost. Perhaps Old Annie decided  to pay them a visit. She's sure Elizabeth would love the opportunity to converse with one.
"Welcome to my ..." Mrs. Lucross was saying but one of the girls fainted when they heard her voice.
"Wow! It seemed as if I've up graded ," the old woman whispered . Elizabeth chuckled. Perhaps she shouldn't have extended the invitation to her colleagues. She knew the old woman was terrifying but she didn't think for a second that she would've been terrified enough to faint at sound of her voice.
"What's happening?" Elizabeth asked when her eyes opened and rolled over.
"Its nothing to worry about she's only having a vision." Amira answered. That didn't allow anyone to feel at ease the girl looked dead. Amira was right tho a few minutes after she woke up with a smile on her face.
"Chile you had us all worried . what was that all about?" Mrs. Lacross said.
"My apologies Mrs. Lacross but I do have good news..." They stared at her wide eyed.
" you'll see your great grand children before you die."
"Children you say?" Mrs. Lacross said with a smile not forgetting how the young one love looked at Elizabeth when she said this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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