Not So Goode.

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Landing face first on cold floors was becoming more of a normal occurrence than it should be, thought Delia as she laid, face down on on a cold floor. She moaned, her muscles ached and her neck was sore. Being a witch, really wasn't easy.

"Delia.." croaked Fiona.

Damn it mother, can't you just die already? Though Delia, but of course Fiona, was already dead. Delia thougt about how much time she had left to find Misty, being in hell was like dreaming, the book had said. You can visit up to 27 different hells in one night, how fun.

"What, mother?"

"Thank you." Fiona smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of Delia's face.

Delia sat up, they were in what seemed like a school corridor,  everyhing was grey and bland. The scene lacked colourless and Delia wouldn't be surprised if a tumbleweed blew across the scene,  was this Misty's hell?

Or was she in another random hell, maybe a teenager.

She heard muffled protests coming from the south.

"Hey, wait for your old mother" came Fionas voice,

Fiona, still dressed in her black silk nightdress arose from the ground, and brushed of the dust.

"No, no.. no you can't make me.. "  came a voice,

Delia recognised it immediately. Misty.

She ran, ran going nowhere and everywhere. Running seemlessly in circles, through corridors,  up stairs, down stairs. That's when the screaming started. Delia ran towards it, she peered into classroom after classroom and there was Misty, sitting amongst people of all ages. As if nothing had happened,  Misty's face returned to normal, Delia knocked on the glass.

Misty turned around, and that smile that Delia longed to see in so long was shown. Delia felt all warm and gooey, like a melt in the middle chocolate pudding.

Misty looked back at her frog, which Delia assumed was to disect.

She lifted it up in the air and mimed

"Look, Miss Cordelia"

and the frog started to twitch, and it sprang to life, Misty's face was beaming brightly, it lit up the dull classroom.

Delia did a thumbs up from the window.

It was amazing. Misty was amazing.

This, was amazing.

"Oh, that's Misty Day, I remember her, she would have made a great Supreme"

Fiona's head popped up over Delia's shoulder and Misty waved again.

"Mr Cranley, she did it again!" cried one of the other students, who was about 9 years old, it was almost laughable how high his voice was.

The teacher, apparently called Mr Cranley was middle aged, with browny ginger hair, and an awful moustache.

"Hey, Delia I moustache you a question" Fiona joked.


Misty's smile faltered, Delia's face also dropped.

"Did what?"

"She brought it back to life." he said pointing to the frog which was hopping happily around the table.

"No, she snuck it in to trick you. Well the jokes on her, if she wont disect a dead frog, she'll have to disect a live one" said the teacher, smirking.

No, no no, Delia tried to open the door, it was locked.

"No, no.. you can't make me.." tears started bawling out of Misty's eyes, she looked at Delia for help, all Delia could do was watch, she pressed a hand up against the window, unable to do anything, a feeling of helplessness rushed through Delia.

A tear ran down her face as the screams of Misty Day could be heard ringing through the hallways.

Dear Mommy, Please Hurry Up And Die.Where stories live. Discover now