video thumbnail tutorial

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Okay guys, it's been 84 years and I still get support on this book... so freakiN BLESS Y'ALL BEAUTIFUL HOMOSAPIENS OML 🙏

Alright so first thing's first, go into PicsArt and click on the 'Draw' option on the home page. It will take you to a screen similar to this-

And you should select the 1280 × 720 background

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And you should select the 1280 × 720 background. It will take you to the drawing center, but since we don't want to draw over the white, just mash the arrow and choose Edit image. Next, you wanna click on that sexy lil Add Photo button and choose the graphic you decided to upload to -- in my niece's words -- Youtuve 😏

Alright fam, so for this tutorial I chose kind of an old cover of mine at random but you'll definitely be a lil more strategic considering that you actually recorded the creation process 😌 but anywho, press the 'Crop' tab and tilt it to where the...

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Alright fam, so for this tutorial I chose kind of an old cover of mine at random but you'll definitely be a lil more strategic considering that you actually recorded the creation process 😌 but anywho, press the 'Crop' tab and tilt it to where the graphic is sitting sideways.

Alright fam, so for this tutorial I chose kind of an old cover of mine at random but you'll definitely be a lil more strategic considering that you actually recorded the creation process 😌 but anywho, press the 'Crop' tab and tilt it to where the...

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After you save it, tap on Effects, go to Blur and press blur (them blurs tho). Lower the blur to your liking *mine was 25* and mash that check at the top.

Next, go back to Add Photo and select the same cover again, only this time desize your image until the top and bottom meet the dimensions of your blurred background! Bring it over to whichever side you think is best, with the option of leaving a l...

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Next, go back to Add Photo and select the same cover again, only this time desize your image until the top and bottom meet the dimensions of your blurred background! Bring it over to whichever side you think is best, with the option of leaving a little bit of space between the sides. I personally like the space, but it's honestly up to whatever your graphic eye thinks!

After saving your edit, open it up into Phonto and apply your text! I like to use the same font I used on the cover but, again, it's completely up to you

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After saving your edit, open it up into Phonto and apply your text! I like to use the same font I used on the cover but, again, it's completely up to you. I normally state the title, my wattpad user, the apps I use and the type of video it is (eg; speed cover, manip tutorial, etc.)

And when your finished product looks a way that is satisfactory to you, save that lil baby and voila! my friends, you have created your very own video thumbnail :)))))

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And when your finished product looks a way that is satisfactory to you, save that lil baby and voila! my friends, you have created your very own video thumbnail :)))))

And when your finished product looks a way that is satisfactory to you, save that lil baby and voila! my friends, you have created your very own video thumbnail :)))))

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Fonts used:

Futurist > Video type/apps
Adam > Title/username

okay okay don't be pitchfork angry with me, please please please? lol i have been totally awol with this book for ages, i know!! but i honestly couldn't even think of what to give a crappy tut on and if it weren't for my fam echostiles this book would probably still be rid of updates 😒 so a ginormous thanks goes out to her for giving me this idea, ily man.

hope you guys found this bit somewhat helpful! and as always, stay tuned for my next who-knows-when chap! ++ big love and major mad respect to y'all for staying with me, you don't know how much i appreciate it 💗

kiss kiss, hug hug
- aly ;)

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