The Missing Child

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In a kingdom far off the lands and in the middle of the ocean is an island shaped as a crescent moon. This island was well known to the Silver Queen and King for their eyes being as bright as the moon. Everything was perfect on this island, always sunny, bright blue sea, everyone happy and cheerful. Everything was perfect until the Queen had her first born child. This child had the same eye as both the Royal Parents, but only one. The other eye was as bright as the sparkling sea. The King saw this mutation and was furious, he quested the Queen on how this was possible. Every Royal family member had the same eyes. He screamed and yelled until the Queen cracked.

"I had an affair, with a man who truly loved me" The Queen yelled at him
"What man would dare touch you?!" The King furiously yelled
The Queen looked at him right in the eyes "I shall not tell"

The King last his mind and slapped her down to the ground. He ordered the guards to send her to the dungeon for life, then looked at the abomination he won't call a son. The King ordered the guards to dispose of this child and tell the public the child died in the womb, that the mother didn't survive the birth. 

The one guard who was in charge of disposing the child brought it home to his wife to tell her the story.

"Why would you kill such a beautiful child?!" She screamed
"I have no choice love! It is orders from the King!" He tried to tell her
"I shall not let you, we will fake the death!" She tried to persuade him
He looked down at his wife with sad eyes "How shall we manage that?"
"We will put him in a basket and set him off. Let the gods decide his future" She said
"Okay.... We will do that" He said. He grabbed a big basket with a top.

The wife grabbed the basket and filled it with a pillow and blankets. She slowly placed the baby in the basket who looked at her with big bright silver and blue eyes in sorrow. She closes the lid and they both walked to the edge of the island. She opened it back up, wished the baby luck and set it to sail. She could hear the baby cry and it broke her heart. She wished that she could of raised the baby and give it a life.

The baby floated for hours in the middle of nowhere. The baby kept crying and crying with no help at all. Suddenly a wave pushed the baby into a different direction, the direction in the way of a ship. A ship that was huge, with a big sail and a lot of people singing. They noticed the basket.

"CAPTAIN! A strange object on port side!" A crew member yelled
The Captain gave one look and didn't think much of it, until he heard the crying. Like the sea was carrying the cries so he could hear it. "Get that basket up here now!" He screamed

The Captain was given the basket and he opened it right away. He saw this beautiful baby with jet black hair, blue and silver bright eyes and his heart just sank. 

The Captain was 6ft 2" tall, jet black hair, green emerald eyes, a short dark beard and a perfect white smile. The Captain was admired by all his crew. The Captain looked into the babies beautiful eyes and then to the crew. "It looks like we have a new crew member! A boy!" The crew people cheered and looked at the baby with awe.

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