Tides Turning

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A couple days have passed and Percy was getting a little more nervous day after day. He knew his dad would be coming home today. Percy was scared that his dad wouldn’t approve of Preston staying in the house since his father was the one who banned him. What was he going to do if his father wouldn’t allow Preston to stay, what if he through Preston out on the streets again? Percy only had a couple minutes before his dad would get home. Percy knew his father ship already docked and is being unloaded. Percy kept pacing around the house while Preston was still asleep, normally Percy would wake him up but he rather Preston sleep through this conversation. Percy mind went silent when he heard the door open and his father came in. His parents greeted each other with a kiss like every time he comes home from long voyages.

“Hey dad” Percy said a little shaky. His mother knew what was about to happen and walked into the kitchen.
“Yeah Percy, What do you want to tell me?” His father said
“I broke a rule.. I let someone stay here” Percy began to get worried
“Oh really? It can’t be that bad. You had me worried. Who is it?” His father seemed calm
“Its Preston. The kid who was kicked out by hi—“ Percy got cut off
“You brought him here in our home! He is banned!! How dare you!” His father screamed
“Dad! I couldn’t leave him on the streets! He is my friend!” Percy yelled
“Why would you want to be friends with an abomination! He is not welcomed here!” Preston was awake and listening from the other room. He was in tears.
“Don’t call him that! He is a human being! He is my friend!” Percy was getting upset. His eyes darkened.
“You are a disgrace to this family!” His father pointed at him. It started to thunder and lighting a storm was approaching.
“You know what! Good! You want to know why!” Percy was getting heated up
“You better not say what I think you are!” His father was pissed
“I love him!” Percy screamed. His father expression went white like he seen a ghost. His mother didn’t seem to really care. Preston went silent. He ran out of the room to Percy and clung to him. Percy just held him close and tight. “Yeah you heard me right. I love Preston. You have an abomination as a son!”
“I should have left you in the basket for the sea!” His father screamed! The mother went white. She never wanted Percy to know he was adopted.
“What…..? I’m... adopted?” Percy was shocked
“Of course you are! I’m glad! I could never have a child like you! Now leave my house!” The Captain went to his bedroom and slammed the door. He was done talking. Percy was in shock.
“Here take this” His mother handed Percy a key. “This key was given to me by a stranger telling me it may come in handy. A house your father doesn’t know about. It’s yours now. I love you Percy. Be safe. Have a good life you too, I’ll try to visit often.” Percy gave his mom a kiss, listened to where the house was and started to pack up. Percy looked at the Captain door wishing he would walk out and stop Percy from leaving, but no. Percy walked out the door with Preston to a new home, a new start.

Percy and Preston walked out the door wondering how not to get any of their stuff wet, until the rain just stopped out of the blue. Percy read the directions and lead Preston through the woods and to a beach. There was a log cabin sitting right on the beach, it had a huge deck that was on the lake, almost like a dock. This house was like a dream house to Percy, like it was meant for him. They walked to the door and it had the trident symbol on the door, but he didn’t think of it too much and walked into the house, it was designed with a beach type theme. It had white tanish furniture, glass table stand, three bedrooms, two huge bathrooms, the upstairs was a loft with a huge bed and many pillows, a huge kitchen with spices and fully stocked with an island that when you opened the door it led to under the house, which was a room that was surrounded by windows to see the sea. There was a trident staff sitting on the only wall with no window like a decoration. It had a huge white sofa with body pillows to just sit and stare at whatever was swimming around.

Percy was standing in the kitchen admiring this amazing house when Preston stood next to him and gave him a look. “What is it Preston?”
“You love me?” Preston said blushing
“I’m sorry if that was so sudden, but I do. I was scared at first, but I do. I love you so much Preston and now. No one can harm you, we can be a family and I will protect you.” Percy smiled
Preston began to cry and hug Percy tight “Thank you for all you’ve done. You mean so much to me. I love you Percy.” Preston just kept crying from joy
“You know what I just realized… how this house is so clean and kept so well in shape if your mom has had this key for years?” Preston asked so confused.
Percy went into thought “You’re right, it’s like someone knew we were coming. The house is empty though, I already checked all the rooms. Don’t think of that though, think of this.”
“Thank of what?” Preston looked really confused
“Be my boyfriend” Percy just went for it and Preston eyes just widened
“I would love that” Preston started to choke on tears “I really would” and hugged Percy tight

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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