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When I walked into Matt and Sams and I instantly felt extremely overwhelmed. My entire team was here, their significant others were here as well.
I instantly found Matthew and he just smiled.

"Hey, need me to show me to your room?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Um..." I hesitated, looking around at everyone "yeah. Please."

We walked through the house which was exceptionally large and he stopped outside of a closed door.

"This one. Feel free to rearrange it how you want to, come down stairs and mingle with everyone when you're ready."

He left and I opened the door to the large room.

It was dramatic but simple at the same time. It was definitely a room in a mans house but it was beautiful and sexy at the same time.

I took a picture and posted it to my instagram story.

I took a picture and posted it to my instagram story

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I had a ton of stuff I had to bring in from my car. It was basically clothes, shoes, makeup, hockey stuff, my laptop... pretty much everything except furniture.

I didn't want to have to haul everything in tonight but I also didn't feel comfortable mingling around in what I was wearing.

I sighed heavily to myself and made my way back out to my car. I rummaged around in my things until I found a white long sleeved bodysuit with an open back and a cream coloured suede mini skirt. I took those clothes back into the house and quickly changed out of what I was wearing into that outfit before I went downstairs.

"There she is!" Johnny, the typically quiet and shy guy that he was announced. He was clearly drunk and he had a ginger girl on his arm. She wasn't pretty or ugly, she was average. It was weird for me to see such a handsome guy with such a social status who could have any girl he wanted, with someone like that.

"Hey Johnny." I smiled at him and he let go of the girl he was with to give me a big hug.

"Bella, this is my girlfriend. Her name is Christina." He was more drunk than I thought initially. He slurred his words and grabbed both of our hands, forcing us to shake hands.

I laughed at him and told the girl it was nice to meet her. She however wasn't so kind. She just smirked at me in a way that said "I'm better than you."

I furrowed my brows at her before letting go of her hand and then she instantly wrapped herself around Johnny again as if she were a snake.

I noticed Monahan and the blonde girl from his phone screen approaching us at this point. I hoped them coming would ease the tension that was quickly setting in.

"Hey Arabella." Sean smiled.

"How's it going?" I asked casually. I was trying not to make it obvious that my heart was beating out of my chest.

"It's going well, you?"

"Just trying to get settled in." I smiled.

"This is my girlfriend, Brittany. Brittany, this is Arabella." Sean introduced us and I stuck out my hand but she playfully pushed it away.

"Only hugs here babe. It's so great to finally meet you. My little cousin plays hockey and she has been absolutely obsessed with you since you were drafted. I'm so glad you're such a positive role model on young girls. A role model they need! C'mon lets go get you a drink!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen.

She was really nice, she was fun and spunky and hyper. Not to mention beautiful... no wonder Sean likes her so much.

I have to admit I was a little jealous but I honestly really needed a girl friend here in Calgary and Britt seemed like my best shot so far.

"Hey, Britt... are you and Christina friends?" I asked, checking to make sure nobody was in earshot.

"If I'm being completely honest, none of us around here really like her. She is very stuck up but she only has nice things because Johnny spoils her. When they started dating she pretty much had nothing. Why hun?"

"She just seemed very snotty when I was introduced to her. I was just wondering if she was like that with everyone." I admitted.

"When she met me she was like that too. Shes starting to warm up a bit to the girls but shes still very rude in my opinion."

I nodded my head and smiled at her as we approached the small group again.

We were all chatting about nonsense really but I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off Sean. I didn't want Britt, or anyone for that matter, to notice so I excused myself and found Matthew and Sam.

To my surprise them and some of the older guys on the team were taking shots of tequila.

"Belvoir! Come take some shots with us!" Sam shouted and I was easily bribed. Who doesn't like taking shots?

After the fifth shot in a row I had to tap out. It hit me all at once and very fast.

I sat on the couch in between Dougie and Freddie Hamilton who were both currently having a very intense game of Mario Kart.

Dougie was losing.

"Dude! Let me win at least one time!" He complained.

"No man. That's what being the older brother is all about, not letting your younger siblings know!"

Dougie chuckled and slung his arm over my shoulders.

"What's up short stuff?" He asked.

"I had some tequila... now I can't walk. Currently I'm just taking a little breather." I laughed, unsure if I worded my sentence correctly or not.

He laughed loudly, drawing some attention.

"Shhhhh!" I drunkenly giggled.

---The Next Morning---

I groaned to myself before checking the time. 9 a.m.
I was about to fall back asleep before I realized I was in my bed. I was completely unsure of how I even got here. The last thing I knew I was chatting with Freddie and Dougie.

I grabbed my phone from my night stand only to see that I had like 50 messages, all from unknown numbers except Sam and Matt.

It was obviously the Flames group chat, but I didn't know who was saying what or anything.

They were just dumb drunk messages that the guys were sending last night.

Me: who took me to bed last night lol

587-332-1789: Sean did.
403-308-8728: Seanny boy
403-215-0696: Well technically Britt and I did. Not just me.

Me: okay. well i can assume sean's #. but everyone else i have no clue. by the way thanks sean and britt for making sure i made it to bed safely :)

Sean😛: you are very welcome.
403-308-8728: this is Johnny G.
587-332-1789: Sam
587-666-7320: Dougie Ham

After I got everyones number I rolled over and fell back asleep. Today we didn't have anything planned for the team so I was just gonna chill.

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