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(Cat above is Weaslepaw.)

The sun peered through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the hollow in the moorland. Cats flooded the hollow's clearing, tending to duties or laying outside enjoying the sun's warmth.

A tall rock stood in the clearing. Perched on top, stood a large light brown tabby, his tail wrapped neatly around his snow-white paws. Next to him sat a smoky blue-gray tom, his white stripes bright against his dark pelt.

"Mockingstar, Weaslepaw's been gone for too long." The blue tom mewed.

Mockingstar's red gaze narrowed as he gazed into the moor.

"Oakclaw's been at my neck on why we haven't gone to look for his son yet." Cypresswhisker continued.

"Well let him know, we are now." Mockingatar meowed." Take Oakclaw and Snowrabbit and go look for him. Come back by moonhigh."

The blue smokey tom nodded and padded off to find the two warriors. Outside the apprentices' den, a cream tabby was lying down, gently poking a leaf. A lilac tabby slipped out of the den and sat beside her.

"Hey, Heronpaw, wanna share a mouse?"the lilac tabby asked.

"No thanks, Adderpaw. I'm not hungry." Heronpaw mewed.

"You still worried about Weaslepaw?"

Heronpaw sat up. "Yeah. I'm really worried about him."

Adderpaw licked a paw and ran it over her muzzle. "I don't blame you. I'd be worried to if my crush was lost in the forest during leaf-bare."

"I don't have a crush on him. He's- he's just a
friend." mewed Heronpaw, blush creeping onto her face.

Adderpaw rolled her eyes." Yes you do. You always stare at him."

Heronpaw ran her claws over the ground."Yeah, well, you won't shut up about Mosspelt."

"Well, at least I'm open that I like him." Adderpaw meowed.

"Alright you two." Heronpaw's mentor, Servalhunter, mewed, padding over to the two bickering apprentices. Chestnuttail was with him. The light brown tabby look distracted, her mind only focused on her missing apprentice returning home safely.

"Did Mockingstar finally send cats to look for Weaslepaw?" Adderpaw asked.

"Yes, he did." Chestnuttail mewed, her voice slightly shaking.

"He's going to be behind on training." meowed Servalhunter.

"He will be," Mockingstar mewed, joins them."but we shouldn't delay reaining these two."

"Mockingstar, we'll keep training but, we don't want to become warriors unless Weaslepaw becomes one with us." Adderpaw mewed, rising to all fours.

Mockingstar cocked his head at the young she cat." You two will be apprentices longer."

"We know but Weaslepaw's our friend." Heronpaw meowed, rising to stand with Adderpaw. "We became apprentices together, we'll become warriors together."

Mockingstar smiled." Alright." He turned to Chestnuttail. "Don't worry. We'll find him."




The wind rustled the leaves of the trees that surrounded the hollow. Cats sat outside bramble dens casting apprehensive glances at one another.

A large pale gray tabby slipped out of an opening under a large rock. Behind him came a light tabby.

"Troutstar, Mousekit is out there." The light tabby mewed. "Dead or alive, we need to find him."

Troustar gazed around the clearing. "He's alive. Heavygust, take Brackenpelt and Larkfang and find him."

The deputy nodded and padded away. Outside the nursery, two kits rolled around, dust collecting to their small pelts. Their mother, Roseberry, sat watching them play. Her mate, Sandslash paced anxiously.

His brother, Dustnose sat next to Roseberry, turning his head every time his brother changed directions.

"Sandslash, calm down. I'm sure Mousekit's fine. He probably found an old burrow to stay in until leaf-bare's over." He mewed.

Sandslash stopped pacing. "And what if he didn't?! For all we know he's in StarClan right now." He started pacing again, a little faster than before.

"Roseberry, is Mousekit going to be okay?" Berrykit asked, shaking dust from his cream colored pelt.

Roseberry sighed. "I don't know. We can only hope that if he is, StarClan is watching over him."

"He's alive"

Roseberry looked up as Troustat approached them. "How do you know?"

Trouststar turned his gaze to the camp entrance as Heavygust left with his patrol.

"Trust me. I can feel it."

Warriors: The Time of Darkness: prequel: The lost kitWhere stories live. Discover now