13: Survival of the Fittest

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Authors Note
A little backstory on why there might be characters you may not have heard of in this book all of a sudden. President Santoro thought YouTubers weren't being ripped fast enough so he added some more to make it more... Interesting.

| Ryan POV (3rd) |
Ryan looked out of the river that had slowly became a ocean.
"Guys? We better move!", he said as he hopped from rock to rock, trying to escape the rising tide as it came on the green, luscious grass.
Ryan waved over Razz who just stood there at the body of MatPat. Horrified and shaking.
"Come on! We have to move! Move!", Ryan waved.
As Ryan moved the group followed in pursuit.
"What the hell do we do?!", yelled Nate.
Ryan shook his head no but kept looking up as he continued up the mountain. Shakily he got up as the water touched his boots before falling down.
"Oh come on Popit!", Razz says as he watches the water fall back down and the group watching in awe.
Nate looked at the awed faces. Ryan huffed out some air. Ryan was done with this bloody game. It had to stop. Jordan could come back anytime.
Ryan trekked until he forced his hand for the group to stop. Which they did.
A rustling in the bushes in a nearby clearing made them jump.
" Get behind someone guys.", Ryan warned, his voice wavering.
Nate got behind Razz. Jack got behind Ryan.
Ryan put his hand to Jack who peeked from behind.
A semi-muscular man appeared, in his right hand held a mace while in the other held a dagger. He had brown hair with a goat tee. He was also wearing some sort of merchandise. He jogged up toward the small group before stopping at Ryan.
Ryan heaved in a sigh."What do you want?"
"To win the games. Why do we even have you. A YouTuber that can't even hold his own.", the man yelled.
Ryan just stood where he was, unwavered.
The man hit Ryan in the nose. Causing him to stumble, clutching his nose which had already started to bleed.
"Well he doesn't seem friendly.", Razz pointed out.
"You don't want to fight?", the man asks.
Ryan held up his hands in a defensive stance.
"Good. I didn't know a Brit could fight."
Ryan ran up but was pushed by the dagger out of the way. He stumbled again to only have the man come to him, fast. Ryan got a stick that was by him.
"We need to stop this!", Ryan yelled, his adrenaline kicking in.
The man grabbed Razz, putting the dagger to his chin.
"I would mind you coming and fighting me with more OOMPH otherwise your friend here dies.", the man said, "Jordan wanted me to take you guys to him. But he said to make you bled a little."
"I know you! Your Jared! Why the hell are you doing this?", Nate said, putting a hand on his chest in disbelief.
"Shut your mouth Nate! You couldn't even kill anyone if you had the chance."
Ryan tried to run again but Jared slashed his arm. A fine trickle of blood dripping down. Ryan winced as he felt his flesh be cut open. He got his bangs out of his face before holding himself up. Ryan felt his body give him more adrenaline and himself step forward quickly. Ryan slashed at Jared but was unsuccessful as Jared stabbed him in the abdomen.
"Shame, you don't even know how to use a stick to beat me. How does it feel to have your life taken away Ryan? Santoro told me you were going to come. Never expected you to be such a loser in battling. "
Ryan then blacked out.

|Razzbowski POV (1st)|
I watched as my friend got stabbed. I knew what I was going to do would be the third dumbest thing but so who cares I needed to save him from this Jared guy. I took a sword out of Nate's hand. Putting out in front of me.
I took a deep breath as Jared came towards me. I slashed as he tried to slash me. I dodged and lodged a piece of the sword in his leg.
Lodging it out, I stepped back quickly. I steadied myself. Wow, this sword was heavy. I watched as he ran off. A trail of blood leading into the bushes.
I watched in horror as I saw Ryan start to convulse. I quickly went over to him, throwing the sword. I put my hand on his wounds.
"Stay with me.", I said, a few tears already starting to fall.
"I-I-I...", he stuttered, face contorting into faces of pain.
I yelled, "Nate and Jack get something to stop the flow of blood. Some sort of leaves or something, anything."
Nate and Jack ran in opposite directions. I stayed with him. But he was losing blood fast. I let the tears fall. I couldn't stop them. I couldn't watch anyone else die. I already saw MatPat die. I couldn't do it anymore.
I was there what felt like hours until they cane back.
"Come come come Come on.", I said as they handed me vines and large leaves. I quickly took the supplies and started working. It didn't take me long. But the loss of blood made him very delusional.
"Is that you Razz?", he asked, his skin pale as a ghost.
"Yeah.", I said, my voice cracking as I was crying a lot.
Jack came back. Face pale with a makeshift bandaged. It would have to work. I didn't want to be in this game anyway. Someone noticed a clearing we could hang in for a while. Nate. He heaved Ryan up. Giving him a moment of stifling a yell. This game was worst than Dangan Ronpa, or Doki Doki.
"Thanks Jack!", I said, feeling good about what had just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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