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-----Dream sequence starts------

The doors of the hospital bust open, and the patient is pushed through the cursed, darkened halls, by whom, he wasn't sure. Although, his wrists were bound down to the arms of the wheel chair, and struggling to get them  free was useless. To the right, he saw a woman, dead and blood on the ground as he swiftly passed, she looked familiar to him. Then, busting through another door, to the left of him was an elevator, and in it was a girl in a nightdress with blond hair. She too look familiar  to him. Although the glimpse of them both was quick, but clear, he dreaded it was his wife, Elizabeth dead, and his daughter, Amanda in the elevator.

Continuing down the long, dark halls, to his right of him was a horde of  chest-mouthed monsters, standing together, not moving.

Then, going through the last door, at the end of the hall, was a giant hole in the floor, and on the other side was a strange doctor in black, with blood all over the uniform and apron, and hanging off his blade was various blades and knives of different sizes and shapes. He stared at the patient being pushed down the hole.

Then, he finally fell into the hole, seeing nothing but blackness down below.


The patient finally awoke, gasping and quickly sitting up. He panted heavily, trying to calm himself. He shook his head, then got out of bed, finally standing up. He ran his hand across his hair, then his face, feeling that they were wet with sweat. He then went into the bathroom, across from his bed. He tried flipping on the lights, but they weren't turning on. He looked at the light switch and sighed. 

"A low maintenance hospital, i see." he commented, then looked into the mirror.

He began fixing his messy, slicked back brown hair, then rubbed at the side of his face. His eyes were a dull blue-grey and they were smaller than the average human eyes, telling him he wasn't alright, at least not in his head. At least that what he could try to see. The mirror was opaque and cracked along then sides. He then looked at his clothes in the mirror, looking closely at himself. Then he looked down. He was wearing the casual light-blue hospital shirt dress. He looked away, not at all liking what he was wearing.

"...This is embarrassing... I need to find better clothes, or at least some pants and shoes." He left the bathroom and headed to the exit.

However, at his feet was a notepad, and a key on top. He bent down and picked them up. On the first page, there was some kind of note, or a question that said:


" I don't know. Truthfully, I don't know what you're asking me." The patient retorted, sighing. 

He finally unlocked the door, using the key on the notepad he found, and exited the room, although, seeing outside of it, he began thinking he really wished he hadn't left his room. The halls and everything around him were bloody and a complete mess. The hospital looked abandoned, and a complete nightmare, as if the place had been ransacked while he was out.

"... Maybe i should've just went back to bed..." He muttered, looking around.

Over the intercom, a strange siren or warning ("clearly no doctors saying this," he wouldn't hang around here, constantly and repeating telling all people to leave,  while he and i were the only ones left, and he wouldn't wait around for me.") kept repeating "This is an emergency, everyone evacuate the building, located to the nearest stairwell." or so it seemed to the patient, he concentrated to hear as clearly as he could, but it didn't seem to work. Perhaps he still needed to wake up a bit.

"This is an absolute nightmare. What kind of hospital is this..?" the patient looked at the notepad, and on the very top, and side of the spine read: RED MOOR hospital.

"Red moor hospital...? Red moor... Red moor... That sounds so familiar, yet... distant... " the patient bit his lip, it indeed felt familiar, but so very distant to him. He looked to the side,  and saw a clipboard next the door he left from.

He looked at the clipboard, and it seemed to be a patient evaluation of some sort, and it read: 

Name of patient : John Doe 

Date of admittance: 10/31/07

D.O.B: Unknown

Diagnoses: Unknown

Emergency contact: Unknown

"John Doe...? John Doe.. That's right, it's a military term for an unknown male with unknown diagnosis and such. So i was admitted here, and none of the staff knew anything about me. Not even my name... " he sighed." "Just.. who am i, then...?

 He looked ahead of him, seeing an open door, the name SUPPLIES on the front of the door. He looked inside, digging through boxes, and he finally found a clean complete pair of clothes, or doctor's clothes. The outfit was completely white, although, being in there for a long while, and surviving the hospital massacre made them tattered and ripped, but still in a good enough condition to wear. The shirt had long sleeves, and a white cloth apron came with it, a pair of white jeans, and black shoes, although they looked more like boots. He went into the supplies closet, shut the door, and changed into the outfit. He opened the door minutes later and discarded the patient's clothes in a box. He brushed the clothes, and rolled up the sleeves, stopping them at his upper elbows, and looked ahead.

"This should do. It fits me perfectly, and it's more comfortable then the clothes i woke up in." that being said, he proceeded ahead. "Although they are quite ragged, and the pants are rather tight, but as the saying goes 'beggars can't be choosers.' Not to mention, I look more like a doctor, than a patient, but it doesn't matter. I'm sure if someone was still alive in here, they would be smart enough to know i'm no doctor." he noted.

He finally stopped when he saw a newspaper on the floor in front of him. He picked it up and began skimming through the article. The first thing that caught his eye was the headline, which read, in all bold:


He stared at it, than began reading bits and pieces. Finally, something caught his eye . He began reading a bit of the sentence ; 

"....police came in, seeing a man over the body.. Doing a check.. ... William Red moor..? The last name again.. Red moor.." he lowered the paper, and looked away. "Seems so familiar.. But, why...?" he dropped the paper and looked ahead, not sure what's going on.

"What happened here? Why can't i remember much..?" he questioned shaking his head.  "Wh -... Where's Elizabeth..?"

Finally his head began to hurt. Elizabeth? He said it, so he should know. The name was familiar, yet distant. Just like his own identity.


Did he know Amanda? he may have, he feels like. The name, too, was distant. Everything was a blur. His past was becoming obscure. What did he do? How was he in this hospital? So many questions, and searching his memory files wasn't helping. The cabinets were all empty. He hoped his memory came to him sooner or later. For now, he was clueless about everything. He didn't even know his own name.

"William... I feel a sense of alertness to it. That will be my name, at least for the time being. I need to know who i am and what's going on. However, seeing my papers, i don't think anyone will know, if someone's alive in here, that is."

The hospital was extremely dark, and it was practically impossible to see ahead. He slowly proceeded ahead, then to his right was another patient room, however it lacked doors. To the left, was the door, and it was covered in blood. William looked into the room and hesitated.

"Do i even want to do this? Well... Might as well. I have nothing better to do." William entered the room, and looked around.

On the wall, to the right, was a code written in blood. William approached it and analysed the code, titling his head. He put his hand upon the wall and ran his fingers across the note.

"It read, 081399. It looked like it was written in blood. Is this some sort of code..? Perhaps i should make a note of it..." William pulled out the notepad and found a pencil on the desk near him,  and he began writing down the code. Once he finished, he put the notepad and pencil away.

"There. Writing it down is going to help me. Because if i can't remember my name or what happened, than i certainly won't remember a code without writing it down."

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