Putting the pieces together..

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William made his way back to the rooftop, where the door sealed with a pass-code was. He took the photo out, put them together, then put in the code. He took the torn photograph and placed it against his chest for a moment, then put away, and went through the door. As he entered, he looked around, and saw a dead body with a scoped hunting rife. He picked it up, and nodded, knowing this will indeed prove useful. He put it on his back, then looked at the dead body. 

"Looks like they were expecting some trouble." 

Finally, he heard a noise. William held up the revolver and proceeded to the left. Bracing against the wall, he looked over and saw another monster, a chest-maw he took to calling them. William readied the gun, then came out, in view of the monster, and shot it dead before it could turn to William. He sighed, then proceeded to the door the monster stood in front of, and proceeded through cautiously. 

He was back outside, the area looking to where he came from. He continued, and entered another similar building with an elevator as well. He went in, and headed to the second floor, as the 2 buttons on the elevator flashed. As the elevator's doors opened, he was greeted by The Cleaver charging at him. William's lips pursed to a thin line, not sure what to think. Finally, he walked out of the elevator and went to the left, and went around the giant monster. Going through turns and all, he finally went through a door, finally safe from that cleaver monster. He continued on, and nothing more was happening for a long while, which was rather nice for William. Sure, he had to kill more monsters, and more different ones appeared now, but it was something he was used to now. There wasn't any giant monsters, or more shocking things, although when he went through a door and saw a wheelchair facing directly at him, with ammo on the seat, he felt a little unnerved, as if he was about to face that wheelchair man again soon, but it didn't seem the case, for the time being anyways. 

The only thing he didn't like, were those floating heads that kept shrieking. That was giving him a migraine, especially when he had to fight two of them, and they were always up in his face. He was surprised his eardrums weren't dead yet. 

He continued on, looking through the rooms until he came across a box with a note next to it. He bent down and studied them both. It appeared to be a puzzle box of some sort. He picked up the note and began reading it.

"It could be random, that might be true, but, i don't think so, it brought me to you. Hidden in the code, it's easy to see, just remember that ten equals E." William scoffed, then rolled his eyes. "That's ridiculously easy, it's fate... Ten equals E..." William looked down. 

"It would be applying numbers to a letter. But, i don't need to do math because i can just put in the word FATE." he put in FATE on the puzzle box and it opened.

"It's not easy to see, it's easy to KNOW. That was like 5th grade level, but i'm glad i didn't have to put any effort into it."

He looked inside, and saw a door handle was in it. He stared confused at the handle for a few of minutes, then took the door handle. He decided not question things anymore, and just go along with all this. He stood up and headed to a door he hadn't been through. He proceeded down a long hallway, going through another door, and to the left, he saw a red door with numbers carved into it. It appears to be its missing handle. William stood before the door, reading the numbers; 11 6 25 10. He scoffed lightly, and fixed the door handle into the door. Being careful, he turned the knob and proceeded through. He stepped forward, looking around in the dark room, finally, he saw a TV go on, showing a news channel. William pointed his flashlight at the TV and began listening to the newscast. 

"Good evening, i'm Karina Solilips reporting from Redmoor News. Our top story tonight, a 30 year old woman was found dead, shot in her home last night. Police were called to the scene after neighbors reported hearing gunshots from the home. Officers arrived at the scene to find an armed gunman standing over the victim's body." finally, on the top right, there seemed to be a picture of the girl, but more specifically, THE girl. Under it said; CHILD SURVIVES.

"Wait... Her...?" William took a few more steps forwards, approaching the TV more, so he could hear it more clearly. 

"The confrontation resulted in the police firing gunshots, injuring the suspect. Officers found the victim's 8 year old daughter unharmed in the home. They believe she might have witnessed the killing. But, police are still investigating the scene.."

William shook his head, and turned away from the TV. She was saying more, but William stopped listening, he was deep in thought of what he heard, and what his surroundings told him. He rubbed his head lightly, and looked away.

"My wife was murdered by someone who was armed, and the suspect was wounded... However, the notepad i got had; 'Why did you do it?' written in it, seeming to direct towards me, and upon leaving the room, a news clipping with the title; 'man brutally murders wife' was near the door, then a mirror in the males bathroom had MURDERER painted onto it, yet directed toward me... And then, when i put the record in the gramophone, it played some kind of illusion, showing the woman dead in front of me, and the girl fleeing from me..." William began recalling all that he had seen in the hospital.

"Is this hospital trying to tell me... That i murdered my wife...? And the reason i'm here was because i was wounded by the gunfire from police...? And my daughter flees from me, because she knew i murdered my wife and she's afraid of me...? So, the notepad is asking 'why did you do it?'.... Why did i murder my wife...? But i don't recall murdering my wife...! Why would i kill her... if i loved her...?" William question, rather pained.

"But then again... Why don't i remember who i am, or what my name is...? I don't even know if it's William, or William Redmoor...! I can't remember anything... Why must i suffer like this..?!" he sighed, and when he turned back to the TV, only static showed.

At least he found more information, whether he agreed with it or not. But it was strange that there wasn't a single staff member in the hospital.

He only sighed again, and proceeded through the hospital, going back to the routine of killing monsters around him, or altogether ignoring them and going around them. He truly wish for a swift end to everything going on around him. It was making him sick to his stomach, and bringing him more suffering and sadness. He had a strong feeling he wasn't going to see his wife anymore, and he was quite sure he wasn't going to see his daughter anymore.

So what would be the point in continuing through a nightmarish hospital with no one to find or expect, but more questions than answers.

William only continued for one last person to find; The Black Doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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