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William starred at the code a little longer, then turned away and left the room. He turned right and began to proceeding ahead, but finally stopped when he saw a giant monster dragging a woman away through the double doors of the hospital. William stopped, staring in pure shock, seeing that the monster had a giant, bloody cleaver in it's left hand, and drug the woman in it's right. William starred at the woman, and she finally looked up, and at William. When she tried to gesture at William to save her, the double doors slammed shut behind the monster.

William starred, not believing the monster he had just saw. He swallowed heavily.

"Wh-.. What is that thing? Well, now i know what happened here. That's one question answered, or at least half answered. Perhaps that thing's hand aren't stained with all the blood here. Perhaps something else is at work. But..." William trailed off. "That woman.. She seemed oddly familiar.. But i couldn't get a good look at her, because it's so dark in this place."

He continued ahead, to the double doors, and he tried opening them, but they were locked. He sighed, not sure if he was relieved, or frustrated at the fact. He turn to the left, and continued down the hall, and in front of him was so kind of desk, and on top of the desk, was a flashlight. He picked it up and turned it on, sighing. 

"It's a decent flashlight. This should be very helpful.I'll finally be able to see where i'm going now..."

He continued down the hall, and to the left was a code-secured door. He pulled out the notepad and approached the door. He looked at the notepad, then typed in the code on the pin-pad. The door unlocked with a beep, and William proceeded through. As he shut the door behind him, an ear-shattering alarm was blaring off, and the surroundings flashed red. William flinched at how loud the alarm was, then sighed loudly. He looked down, and in front of him was a dead body, with their arm and leg torn off. A nightstick was next to the body.

"This hospital is really something, isn't it...?"  William said aloud, so he could hear his own voice over the alarm. He went over to the weapon, and picked it up, and examined it. "Well... At least i have a weapon now. It must have belonged to a security guard." William spoke.

"Scratch that, it belong to THE security guard, dead and mutilated in front of me. This will come in handy." He looked around and readied it in his right hand, holding the flashlight in his left.

He looked to the left, and entered what seemed to be some kind of security room. On the desk was a map. He picked it up and began analyzing it.

"It seemed to be a map. It has 7th floor, West building written on it. Hm. This must be a huge hospital... I don't think I've seen a hospital this big." William noted, then put the map away. He looked to the left, seeing a gun cage. Shotguns were contained within, which peaked his interest. However, when he tried to open the cage door, it was locked. William gave a disgusted look.

"The gun cage is locked... One, or even two, of these shotguns would most certainly come in handy... Too bad i can't open it..." he sighed, then exited the security room.

William proceeded ahead, with caution, holding the nightstick by the nub pointing down. He gripped it tightly, feeling some kind of danger nearby. Soon enough, he saw someone standing in a storage room, with their back turned. they didn't wear a shirt or shoes, only pants. William tilted his head, then slowly approached the strange person with caution. 

"Hey... What is exactly going on...? Are you a patient here like me?"

No answer.

"Don't ignore me, i asked a question." William hissed. "I understand your having a bad day, but i am all the same and willing to talk. It would be wise if you would did the same."

Finally, the being turned around and charged at him, and it was no normal person, but a humanoid monster, the exact kind he saw in his nightmare. It had no face, and his chest was a giant mouth with fangs,. His eyes appeared to be nailed shut, or nails were sticking out of them. The monster growled as it continued at William. William backed up, then raised the nightstick and began attacking the monster, finally killing it. William sighed, and watched the monster disappear in nothing. 

"What...? More monsters..? Great. This whole hospital is infested with them. I should have figured. I mean, what gave it away?" he sighed, looking around at the walls of the blood-stained hospital, then proceeded ahead. To the left was the bathrooms. He looked at them both. "I think, like an intelligent and logical person, i'm going to head into male's, because i am biologically a male, and entering a female's is rather.. unjustly. Besides, i have no reason to enter female's restroom." he headed to the male's bathroom and sighed. 

"Maybe i just need to rinse my face with some water, i might be seeing things... Or, this may just be another disturbing dream..." He went over to the sinks, but when he shined the light upon the wide mirror, something was written all across it.

William stared, thinking this was a sick joke. He shined the flashlight all across the mirror, trying to read what it said. After backing up a bit, he saw the whole word. It read; 


"...Murderer.. ? Didn't the article state something about a murder..? This looks like it calling ME a the murderer... BUT... Who did i kill..? Well, i suppose i could ask myself who DIDN'T i kill ? But, i'm not getting into that scenario." William shook his head, not willing to dwell upon it, and finally he left the bathroom, and proceeded ahead.

He finally stood before a door, with a tag that read; 


"Patient ward.. Maybe this is the way to go.. Go where, exactly?  I don't have a main objective. I'm just wondering this place. Well, i suppose i need to find a doctor or a nurse so they can tell me who i am and what's going on. Although, maybe i should have just been back to bed.." he muttered, but with that, he opened the double doors and proceeded through. 

He looked around, shining the flashlight in the darkness, and every once in a while, the flashes of lighting would briefly illuminate the room, followed by a crash of thunder. He slowly proceeded ahead, and in front of him were dead bodies of monsters. He looked down and carefully stepped over them, and quickly entered through the door in front of him, not wanting to figure out if the monsters were really dead, or were just laying there, waiting to suppose their victim. He turned right and headed to the other door, and passed through it, and shut the door behind him.

In the dark, William heard strange noises, and when he pointed the flashlight up, bugs crawled all over the walls, and on the floor. He sighed and turned to the left, quickly avoiding the bugs before they could touch him. He proceeded to the double doors, and stood before them. The doors were labelled 'stairs'.

"Staircase? Maybe it'll lead up or down. Only one way to find out." he proceeded through, closing one of the doors behind him. He climbed up the staircase till he reached a door labelled 'rooftop'.

"The roof? Great..." William sighed. "But, it must be the only way to proceed through this place." 

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