The torn photograph

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William felt a large lump in his throat, and he felt more and more sick to his stomach. Finally, he heard a whimper. He sharply turned around, seeing the girl staring at William, scared out of her mind. William looked at the dead woman, then back at the girl. He slowly approached her, the fear adding more nausea to him, almost to the point where he could just faint.

"I-- i didn't do this! I swear!" his face was nearly pure white with fear.

However, when William got closer to her, she cried out in fear and ran through the door behind her, slamming it shut. Finally, the vision ended, and everything returned to normal. William stood in place, frozen in trauma and fear. Tears welled in his eyes, as they were wide in horror. What had happened did feel familiar to William, as if that kind of event had taken place in his life. But everything was still blank and empty as a clean slate. 

He began breathing heavily and fast, and couldn't control it. The tears ran down his face, and dripped to the ground rapidly. He gritted his teeth, and closed his eyes tightly. He finally fell to his knees, and clawed the ground as pieces of his memories were coming back to him, rather vaguely still. 

"Why did you do it...?' I-i didn't-... I would never..." after a while, he managed to stand, but the tears wouldn't stop. Everything in his body kept telling him to stop, to stop proceeding ahead, as he felt broken and depressed. He felt more was ahead, but he couldn't handle it, it would just shatter him even more. But, he continued on, not sure what was keeping him going anymore.


William continued through the hospital, hurt, both emotionally, mentally, and physically, and very sick to his stomach. His strength was waning and he felt extremely weak. However, encountering more monsters made him more angry, and he killed them as swiftly as he could, trying to make himself not throw up. However, the anger vanished as he came across the final piece of the photograph. He picked it up, ans stared. It appeared to have a girl on it, and the number; 07 were below. He still couldn't see it clearly, due to being wounded badly still, however, nearby were painkillers, though they never helped with the nausea and trauma making him sick. He went over to them and took a handful of pills, but it turned to using up 2 bottles completely, out of pure fear. The pain began nulling quickly, although it made him feel more sick and dizzy, but his vision became sharper slowly. Finally, William took out the other two pieces, and set them on the ground, then the third. He finally began placing them next to each other, fitting each other perfectly with one another. The full code was; 103107. But William began focusing on the photo itself. Now that he could see clearly, he could see who the people were in the photo.

William tilted his head. He began feeling immense pain. Finally, a sliver of his memories were coming back. The picture was of him, his wife and his daughter. No wonder he felt pain, yet familiarity to the girl and the woman. The girl was his daughter, the woman his wife. As for names, that was slipping quick.

The times of their happiness didn't seem to last long, and now, pure misery seems to feel like it's been going on forever. And he felt that it was all his fault that it's all happening. 

"..I'm so very sorry..." William choked. He stared at the photo, his tired and heavy eyelids lowered. "You both remind me of a time when i felt alive... But what have i done... to tear our family apart...?" William asked himself. "If i could... I'd do the impossible to fix everything... To make us a family again..." William choked out, then looked around.

"The hospital is trying to tell me something, no, remind me of something. I'm not liking this at all, it's making me sick to my stomach, but i must figure out what happened... Wait. The doctor. He can tell me. This girl is still here, so i need to search for her, and the doctor too." William finally stood, tears still running down his face. He took the torn photograph and began proceeding back to the church, to figure out where to go next. After all, it was a safe area. 


Finally reaching the church, though it was rather lengthy, but he got another gun for his troubles, which was the revolver. He placed the torn photograph into the slot where it belonged and stared at it. He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the sadness coming back to him. He opened his eyes and began going through the album. Now that his vision was sharper, he could concentrate on the old photos and see what they were. All of them was of him, his wife and his daughter, smiling and happy. They were photos they took to keep the great memories of those days, but now, they were old and faded. There was on the photo that was not nearly as faded, and he could see the faces better. He examined himself in the photo. He was much happier and younger looking, not worn out and stressed as he was now. Finally, he flipped back to the page of the torn photograph, and laughed lightly in sadness. 

"I'm no longer in the bright and happy person i was all that time ago..." he looked into a mirror behind him, seeing how tired and worn out he was. 

In the photo, one of them that was colored and not nearly worn out, his eyes were bright and a beautiful blue, but now they were a dull blue-grey, and smaller in size. He had a slash-scar upon his face, with a small piece of surgical tape placed horizontally upon it. He saw that his hair was no longer a beautiful brown, like in the photo, but a dull brown-grey color, and it was messy. His eyes were dark underneath and heavy, looking like he had never slept properly in years. He shook his head, loosing faith in himself and in his life in general. He continued to feel sick to his stomach and very weak, like he couldn't continue on anymore. But there was a sliver of will in him, that urged him to go on, until the very end, as he may be rewarded with the answers he was seeking.

William took a deep breath, and looked at the album. 

"I'm no quitter. I'm going on, until the very end. One day, dear, we will all be together. I promise. But for now, i'm going to die trying to get answers to all of this." with that, William left the cathedral.

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