Chapter 1

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Hey Guys this is my first ever story I hope you like it I'm so thankful to ImNotPerverted for her help without her I could not have made this story. I hope you enjoy this story and wait for  more chapters to come out!!

As the day has come, the day were 1-4 boys get chosen to be a Dragon rider. I'm excited that's all I can say I pray everyday hoping that my brother will become one of them, He has been training every since he could walk of course I was with him every step of the way being the supportive sister I am.

I'm an hunter as you would call it in our village, I hunt for food to survive, As you see our family is not well off we are considered poor, we strive to survive every step we take is risking our lives no mater where we are or what we are doing. Its life or death here kill or be killed, the strong will live as the weak will die a horrific death either you be thrown in a hole without food until you starve to death or they throw you into a cage full of wild beast. Since me and my brother could walk we were taught to fight our bloodthirstiness is as terrifying, one glance at our eyes could send shivers down the most wildest beast.

 Me and my brother were twins I was short with long black hair and blue eyes that shine brighter than a freshly polished diamond and skin that was as pale as snow as for my brother he was tall with brown hair that had specks of black and green eyes that are darker than an Emerald with bright yellow specks that surround his pupil complimenting his tan skin.

We were inseparable, we did everything together no one would tear us apart we were stuck to each other like glue and had no intensions of ever separating. Everyday we train from either fighting each other or practicing archery or we practice using our knives. As we stride down the forest with our heads up high strutting in pride as we catch a deer for dinner, Quiet a large some to be honest enough to feed our family for a couple of days.

As we brought back our deer we were pulled by our ears by our mother who looked quiet pissed as we were pulled out of the house and into a crowd of people. As a tall lengthy man in the crowd slowly began to walk up to the stage "Tonight we find the boys who protect the world as they glide around saving us from the horrible creatures that frighten us at night hoping our  children wont become the victim of the night" we said as loud cheers went off cutting him off as he waited for everyone to quiet down as he continued "Today we chose our chosen warriors to become...." he said loud enough for the whole village to hear as there was a long pause as all you could hear was crickets and the rustling of the trees.

"Dragon Riders" He yelled as cheers once again erupted from the crowd earning a grin as everyone was split into 3 groups parents go into one group hoping that there kid would be chosen and the other groups were the girls and the boys were in a group. There was never a girl dragon rider in the history of Dragon riders But Max is here to change that as Every boy walked up to the stage and put there hand on a glass ball switch only glowed signaling you became lucky and is a Dragon Rider.

As there is only two spots left as my brother is the last boy to walk up placing his hand on the glass ball as it started glowing, Jumping up and down feeling as excited as when she first killed a deer but as confused as when she first started training. There was only 3 boys picked there must be a mistake as I was the last girl to walk up on stage as everyone gave nervous glances around as I slowly placed my hand on the ball as it started shinning uncontrollably as there was silence all that was heard was the slight breeze every once and a while as the leaves on the trees waved ever so slightly.

As me and my brother stared into each others eyes like we were communicating through our eyes like telepathically I stood my ground until finally my brain process what was going on "HOLY SHIZZILES" I screeched until jumping down and falling onto my brother who caught me as the man finally cleared his throat and started talking again "Well this is.... unexpected the first girl to ever become an Dragon rider-" as he was cut off by my horrid scream "hell yeah it is boi I'm here to kick ass" as only my brother laughed at what I said as he started continuing "We will go to the academy tomorrow please pack up today and get ready for the time of your life" he said and with that he slowly walked down the stares reaching for the ground as he glanced as me.


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