what the...

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Okay, so I haven't had internet for the past three weeks so I haven't been able to check  my notifs. Then I got into this app and I see 50 DUCKING NOTIFICATIONS!!! Like, WAY TO FILL UP MY INBOX IN GOOGLE AS WELL SO NOW I CAN'T FIND THE LINK TO A NERD SITE IN USING!! Well, at least we know I am commenting A LOT.And I have become a social butterfly. Kind of annoying but sweet that people comment a lot on my comments.


Totally different note:

I have Homecoming and I THINK I'm supposed to go because I AM a football player and the main reason we're having a homecoming dance is because of the football team...but I don't really wanna go. My teachers are all saying all the students should go to get away from the school environment and BLAH BLAH BLAH IDC BECAUSE TECHNICALLY WE ARE STILL in THE SCHOOL AND we are STAYING IN THE SCHOOL 2 HOURS LONGER THAN NECESSARY!! SCREW BEING SOCIAL, I'M FREAKING TIRED AND I WANT MY NAP!!!

Oh yeah and someone asked me to homecoming as well. Everyone was telling me to say yes but I'm gonna say no because what is the point of dating if I am a TEENAGER not a FOURTY SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WOMAN WITH 13 CATS WHO IS DESPERATE! I swear all these guys and girls are thirsty for the gossip

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