53rd aim

595 36 1


This is not fair to Pétillant

Who genuinely

Does her best to be with Eiswein

Comparing her to Wine,

Wine is thoroughly spoiled

By Eiswein

What can Wine do?

What should Wine do?

To even the effort?

"Fancy meeting you here,"

Speaking of the girl!

It is Pétillant!

"Good afternoon,"

Eiswein greets

"Good afternoon,"

Pétillant replies


"Window shopping,"

Eiswein replies

While chuckling

Wine stays silent

Because she feels awkward

When Pétillant raises an eyebrow

At her,

Wine quickly says

"Good afternoon!"

"Are you nervous?"

Pétillant asks Wine

"Because you meet me here,


Wine doesn't want to lie

So she answers


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